Bora Bora Honeymoon

954 17 4

*later that week

Piper POV

"It's cold! I don't want to go in, I change my mind" I say shivering

"Come on pipes the water gets warm once you get in and move around"
Says Alex

"No I can't!" I said firmly

When I turned to look at Alex I quickly notice her swimming towards me.

"No! Alex move back. Don't you dare!"
I screamed

She quickly approaches me and pulls me into the water, It was freezing.

"I hate you Alex I absolutely do!" I say playfully

"No you don't babe. Cause if you did you wouldn't have married me!" Alex says while teasing me.

"I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life."

I couldn't help but notice Alex smile when I said that. She was so beautiful even when her hair was all over her face.

But suddenly she wasn't smiling anymore, she'd become serious. I could tell something was bothering her but I didn't say anything.

"Pipes I want kids, well not kids just one for now. But you don't have to answer just yet. You know? Like we can enjoy the married life for a year and some months and then we can explore the topic more." She blurted out

I stare at her blankly. I truly didn't know what to say.

"Fuck I fucked up our moment didn't I? Look pipes just erase what I just said it's not important."

"Wait no if it's important to you then we should definitely talk about it. We're married and like you said in prison, go towards the situation."

" you don't want kids do you? I'm not trying to burden you. But Ever since I was released from prison I haven't shaken the thought of us starting a family and I wou-"

"Alex I would love for us  to start a family" I say calmly while cutting her off.


"Yes I want other people to experience what joy and firmness you bring to the table. Who better to do that than our own child."

After I finished talking I could see that Alex's smile has reappeared onto her face. She was so happy, I'm so happy.

Bora Bora is beautiful and peaceful. We needed this time away from it all.

Alex quickly pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Pipes don't you think it's getting late? Shouldn't we go inside. I don't want you getting sick because your in a body of water while it's starting to get cold." Alex says with worry in her voice.

"Look how you worry about me...your going to be a great mother Alex." I say while grabbing her hand to go inside.

*minutes later

"Pipes come here! Omg hurry!"

I ran to the shower where Alex was. I burst through the door

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Alex yankes me into the shower with her. She starts to kiss me passionately.

I pull back to catch my breath.

"Alex my clothes are drenched." I say while trying to step out of the shower, but Alex pulls me back in.

She mumbles against my skin seductively.

"I know they're are wet pipes, that's the idea. It's sexy and when your sexy I'm even more attracted to you. But now they're in the way so they need to come off."

With that being said she began to take my clothes off.
When I was completely naked she stepped back and admired my body.

"What? Alex why are yo-"

I was cut off by her slamming me against the wall and kissing my all over.

It was a love filled night. We were now in the bedroom.

"For a person who hates shower sex we sure do have a lot of it." I say to Alex

"Only for you princess. Besides we always end up moving from the shower anyway so it doesn't matter. " she says teasingly

I run over to Alex and jump onto her back while she's putting on her shirt. We both fall onto the bed.

"What the hell pipes? " she yells while laughing.

"I love you so much Alex."

"I love you too pipes."


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