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1 month later

Alex POV

Me, piper and Nicky were all standing over piper's phone with our hands joined together. We were waiting on the news. What news you might ask... well my beautiful fiancé has been writing a memoir and she finished it last month and sent it in. Now we were just waiting to hear if piper was going to get a publishing deal or not.

*iphone ring tone*

Piper leaps for the phone, releasing both me and nicky's hands.

"Yes... no ma'am... ok... yes that will be fine....ok thank you very much...Ok thanks"
Piper says so calmly.

She slowly turns around with a disappointing look in her face.

"I'm so sorry babe come here. You know what? Fuck them they've just missed out on the most incredible thing that will ever happen with their business."

She flinched at my touch.

"Pipes are you okay?"

"Yeah I mean seriously you look like shit" Nicky proceeded to say.


You can practically see piper jump out of her own skin.

"Shut up! No fucking way?" I say snatching piper into a hug.

"Yes way" pipes responds

We share a long and lovingly kiss.

"Well damn Chapman! Looks like we're going to bora bora!"

Me and piper pull Nicky into a group hug. After a few minutes of disbelief we eventually got down to business.

"Okay! So now that we've got enough money for our wedding and a new home we can finally stop worrying"
Says piper

I notice her stop talking and immediately start staring at me.

"What?" I asked, clearly knowing why she's looking at me.

"Why do you  all of a sudden look so sad...? Do you not want to marry me anymore?"

Her voice growing worryingly.

"No! no it's definitely not that, it's just that I feel that you've done all the work. And I'm barely scraping along anything with my shit job at Taco Bell"

She grabs my hand and pecks my knuckles.

"Alex Vause... you are way more important than money or anything else in my life. No offense Nicky"

"None taken piper"

Piper continues..

"As I was saying. Don't ever think that you aren't doing enough because you are. You being here with me is all I really need." She says

"So what I'm hearing is that you don't need a hundred thousand dollars? Because if not we can always live out that fantasy you had at Litchfield." I say

"What fantasy?" She says clearly confused.

"The one were you wanted us to stop shaving our legs and I start working in landscape while you work in electrical..."
I say while chuckling.

"Omg! Al you remembered that!?" Piper says surprised.

"Yeah. I did"

Time jump (vauseman spin-off)Where stories live. Discover now