Lets make a promise

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Alex POV

*police sirens* *car door shutting*

"Officer Green ladies, names please ?" said the police officer

"Piper Vause-Chapman"

"The Piper Chapman ? As in Piper Chapman book writer !?" Police officer asked

"Memoir, and yes that is me"

"Holy shit ! Hey um I have a copy of your book out in the car. I get bored sometimes on the job so I like to read. You think you could sign it ?" He asked

"Um Vause-Chapman is her name and I'm sorry officer but we were literally just held at gun point, do you think we could focus more on that whole situation ? I mean that would be nice." I say snappy

"Right um and you two are ? " he asked

"Alex Vause" I say

"Right.... And you ?" He asked

"Nicole Nichols, but please eh um call me Nicky"

"Ok so we've apprehended, Artesian McCullough, and she's being taken to the station for holding until court" he says

"So that means we're safe right ?" Piper ask

"Uh Sure, it was nice you meet you ma'am" he says

He then walks away while talking on the walkie-talkie.

I turn to look at piper, I knew I owed her an explanation.

I walk towards her and grab her hands. She pulls back a little but I tighten my grip.

"Pipes I should have told you what was said when McCullough showed up at our doorstep. And yes I was wrong for not informing you on what I was doing. But we're in a marriage and a marriage is built on truth and comfortability so anything I say isn't an excuse for my behavior. But I want you to know that I thought I was protecting you even though I just ended up hurting you. I apologize piper and it won't happen again." I say heartfelt

" Alex you've got to start including me on things that are happening !" Piper says

"I know pipes" I respond

I lean in to kiss her when I suddenly hear sniffling. I turn around only to find Nicky fake crying.

She begins to speak.

"Whew kid I'm tired near death experiences. Can we go back and finish our Champagne ?" Nicky says

I chuckle

"Lead the way Nichols" I say sarcastically

We make our way back home.

It's two hours later and we've finished all of our drinks and food. Nicky has fallen asleep on the couch and me and piper are in our bedroom.

I turn to look at piper and I could tell she had something on her mind.

I begin to laugh

"What is it babe?" I asked

"Let's make a promise ! " she says jumping up

"What kind of promise ?" I say laughing at her behavior.

"Let's make a promise that there will be no more drama. Can we do that al ?"

"Sure babe" I say softly

She lays down on my chest and falls asleep. Me on the other hand is still up contemplating on things. And I say to myself....

"I want a kid"

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