I thought we moved past this

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Alex POV

All morning piper was avoiding making eye contact with me. It was making me angry, I thought we moved past everything. It was 3 years ago we both fucked up. Ugh why won't she just talk to me about it? How is marriage going to work if were still sensitive when hearing anything involving piper's release.

She walks past me making sure our body's didn't touch. That's it I'm done!

"Piper!" I say grabbing her arm aggressively.

"What the fuck! Get off of me!" She tries yanking her arm but I tighten my grip.

"No not until we talk! Look Pipes we both cheated ok but we can't keep running from that ok. Look how far we've come are you really wanting to throw this away because of something that happened 3 years ago!?"

"Let go of me Alex...." she looks at me with anger but also with something else.

"Why are you being like this?..." I asked with anger in my voice.

"Nothing! Just please Alex leave me alone!"

Ok fuck this. I grab both of piper's arms and slam her into the wall while kissing her roughly. This wasn't my intention but she really Is making me furious.

While kissing heavier I break the kiss to ask

"Why are you being like this Pipes?" It's hard to get my words out while catching my breath. But she ignores my question and smashes her lips into mine.

Our tongues are fighting for dominance. I could feel her body release tension so I take advantage. If fucking away the pain was what I had to do in order to get her to talk to me well then so be it.

"Fuck al, fuck me! Please?"

I do as she said. I throw her onto the bed and bit her all over. I wasn't fully on board with hate sex, but it felt good.

Piper rips my shirt off next was my pants. She was being aggressive. I try to calm down and love her but she didn't want that.

"Stop.... stop Alex Jesus! Just fuck me!"

This made me angry she was totally ignoring everything I said or tried to do.

I drag piper up against the head bored. Reaching over into my night stand I grab handcuffs. She wants to be fucked I'm going to fuck her. She noticed what I was attaching het to the bed with but didn't say anything instead she lets out a moan.

She was handcuffed to the head board I rip off all of her clothes leaving her body exposed. She was squirming so I held her down.

"Look at me pipes. I don't know what's gotten into you but I'm not liking it. But since you want to have an attitude I'm going to give you something to be mad about." I said while being extremely close to her pussy so she felt the humidity of my breath land on her pussy lips.

She moaned and tangled her legs around my neck pulling me closer to her And kisses me but this Time softly. She guided my head back down to her core with her foot.
For once today I felt like I was actually heard, so instead of punishment I gave her pleasure.

"Oh my god! Alex your tongue feels amazing!"

I continue to flick her clit with my tongue and she screams louder. She tries to grad my hair and quickly realized she was handcuffed.

I take advantage of her whole body.

"Alex!" She says as I bite her clit and suck in it.

I stick 3 fingers inside of her and started to pound her pussy until it was red.

"Stop!" She whimpers

"No babe you didn't want me to remember? So now I'm not going to... we're in this together babe." I say seductively.

After 30 minutes of fingering piper she shot out every thing she had.


"How was that?"

"The worst baby"

She kisses me with just lips and I take the handcuffs off. She immediately jumps onto me, straddling me.
It was a calm and relaxing moment but the ice had to be broken. 

"Ready to talk?" I ask

She nods her head yes.

Here we go ready or not.

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