Chapter 6

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Maya P.O.V

Date: March 22, 2029

Time: 3:14 PM

Location: 7166 Indigo Blvd Dallas, Texas

"What is wrong with you?! Are you stupid or what? . ."

I was sitting in the kitchen in the hotel drinking some water while I listened to Drew outside on the telephone set. I guess he recognized where he was because his voice began to quiet down.

The water was helping though. I didn't know where the nausea was getting from. But it sucked because I could feel it rising back up my throat. I dropped the bottle running back into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I feel like shit right now. I sat leaning over the toilet a while longer hoping nothing else would come up before I stood flushing the pot. I walked to the sink and got the toothbrush I leave here and brushed my teeth.

I was washing my mouth out when I heard the door close. I put my tooth brush back and walked away into the kitchen seeing Drew wiping up the mess I made on the floor. He finished wiping it up then stood and turned to me.

"Really Maya?! Watch what the fuck your doing, you ain't the one paying for this shit!" Drew yelled.

"What's your problem?!"

"You and your kind!"

"What the fuck did I do to you?!"

"It's you females. You bitches only care about your selfs. All you do is fuck up shit. You never think about how it'll affect others. Y'all ain't shit!"

"Excuse me?!"

"Your excused! Get your shit and get out!"

He barged past me bumping my shoulder and took hold of my clothes throwing them at me. I took them getting dressed and grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Fuck you Drew!"

"You already did!"

I walked out slamming the door and left getting into my car. I drove home and parked getting out and going in straight to my room. I close my door locking it then going into my bathroom. I got my clothes off and put them in the hamper before turning on the shower and getting in.

I don't know what's come over him. He doesn't have to be such an asshole. I never did anything wrong to him. He needs to get over himself and his little pissy mood. At this point I'm done with him. He can either grab some lotion and put those muscles to work or call that bitch Marissa cause I'm through with Drew.

I got out wrapping my towel around me and walked out my room. I dried off and put on some lotion. I walked in my closet putting on one of my sports bras and shorts. I took hold of my knee high black socks and put them on then sat at my bar grabbing my book and began reading.

Drew P.O.V

I pulled up to the house in time for dinner. I got out and walked in going upstairs to my room and putting my stuff down. I walked out and stopped in the hall looking down the hall at Maya's door. Her light was on but the handle was red letting me know it was locked. I contemplated going down there or not and just walked down the steps instead.

I proceeded into the dining room and sat down at the table across from my dad.

"Hey, did you have a good time?" He asked me.

"Yea dad it was fine."

"Are you doing okay?"

"Dad seriously. I said I'm fine."

"No you said it was fine at Paul's."

"Dad can you just leave me alone."

"Whatever Drew. Tell Maya dinners ready."

I drew out my phone and text her to come to dinner then put it back in pocket.

"Happy?" I interrogated.

My dad rolled his eyes at me as my step mom sat dinner down. She made spaghetti with bread and salad. I leaned forward pouring me a glass of lemonade and began drinking it when Maya walked in.

Fuck she looked good. She had these long sexy legs and this chocolate skin and a fat ass. Damn I wanted her right here on this table. I forgot about my lemonade and choked putting my cup down.

"You all right sweetheart." My mom asked me rubbing my back.

"Yes ma'am I'm fine."

Maya had to sit next to me because all the other seats were occupied.

"Let's say grace." My dad ordered us.

I grabbed my moms hand as she took hold of my dads and he grabbed Maya's. I slowly reached over and held Maya's hand feeling the tingle in my abdomen. I felt her hold my hand a little but she still seemed distant. My mom ended up praying and as soon as we all said Amen Maya pulled away. I sighed and we all began putting food on our plates.

They were all talking but I couldn't help but stare at Maya while she ate. Her lips were so plump. Every time she bit down she'd chew then run her tongue across her lips to capture the sauce off. I felt myself growing hard and looked away poking at my salad.

"May I be excu-" Maya started but couldn't finish before she started up from the table running upstairs.

My mom began to get up but I stopped her putting a hand along her shoulder.

"I'll check on her." I told her.

She nodded and I stood up going up the stairs. I walked down the hall seeing her door wide open and walked in. Her bathroom door was shut and the sink was on. I knocked at the door before opening it. She was rinsing her mouth then she turned the water off and wiped her lip with a towel.

"You okay?" I asked.

She dismissed me and opened a drawer pulling a pony tail holder out.


She started putting her hair up focusing on the mirror.

"Look I'm sorry okay. Something happened earlier and I just lost it. I shouldn't have brought my anger out on you. It was selfish and I apologize. Please forgive me."

She took hold of the lotion putting some on her face still ignoring me.


I pulled her by her waist turning her round and kissed her. She wouldn't kiss back so I wrapped both my arms around her holding her tight and bit down on her mouth. I heard her moan lowly and kiss me back. I slid my hand down cupping her ass and lifted her onto the sink before pulling away.

"Maya I'm sorry."

"Just fuck me okay."

I pulled her shorts down seeing she didn't have any underwear on as she pulled my shorts down and pulled him out and I slid into her.

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