Chapter 9

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Maya P.O.V

I stood in the mirror naked staring at myself. My stomach was beginning to show. I had a small pouch and enough vomit to throw up everyday for the both of us. I was glad I was so skinny, it made it easier to hide my stomach. I've always heard people say that when your really sick during your pregnancy that's it's a girl. I hope it is. I've always wanted a little girl to follow me around. It's not like her dad will be there anyways.

"Maya!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "Someone's here to see you."

I groaned putting on a big shirt and boy shorts with a long pair of socks. Who in the hell could possibly be here to see me. I swung the door open and froze seeing Jae sitting on my bed typing on her phone. I coughed watching her look up at me then charge towards me and grab me pulling me into a bear hug.

"Maya I'm so sorry for being judgmental and a bitch! Whatever you and Drew do is fine with me just as long as your careful and don't do something stupid like get pregnant." She apologized.

"I-it's okay Jae. I forgive you and I'm sorry too." I told her.

"Good, so how are things with you and Drew?" She asked pulling me down onto the bed.

"Nonexistent, he got caught smoking weed in his room and my step dad kicked him out. He hasn't been home in three months and I don't even see him at school anymore. He's gone off the deep end."

"Damn, probably cause of his crackhead girlfriend."

"Girl no?! Marissa?!"

"Yass Bitch! She in rehab. Her cracky ass came to school higher than a plane and got sent away."

"Shut up!"

"I'm just spilling the tea honey."

"Well girl I'm catching it."

"Anyways, let's get ready."

"For what?"

"Diggys throwing a party and you need to get out. I already told your mom and she agrees with me. Plus I missed you and I even brought you something to wear and I'm gonna do your make up and you gone look so sexy."

"Jae I don't really-."

"I don't care shut up and come on."

I sighed as she yanked me off my bed and into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet while she took out my bun and began sectioning my hair off to straighten it. She finished putting it in a ponytail and started on my makeup.

Jae was so weird sometimes. She could be so pissed at me one second then completely utterly in love with me the next. Gosh I loved her.

"So how's Vickie?" I asked.

"You know Victoria. Just as bossy and as beautiful as she's always been."

"She still hate me?"

"Okay one, she does not hate you. And two, she hates everybody so don't feel special."

"You know Marissa kinda looks like her?"

"Well she should. That's her Niece."

"You lying?!"


"Ya'lls family is just all over the place."

"I know right! But me and Marissa never really got along the first time we met anyways. I always felt like she was trying to take Vickie from me. I mean she fam and I love her and all but I was like no bitch that's my cousin! Well not really, but you know what I mean."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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