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            Flamepaw felt nothing more than pure joy the moment her paw touched down on RiverClan camp soil. After a long and restless night, Volekit and Ella had managed to survive, just barely. As soon as the sun had risen, the cats had set out in a hurry, hoping to get the two injured kits help.
            There was nothing but surprise plastered on the faces of the RiverClan cats as they became reunited with their missing clanmates. They surely had not expected Mothwing to return with the missing kits and missing cats.
            Mountainheart had seemed not so much upset but relieved to be free from his leadership duties, and he gratefully handed them over to Goldstar as soon as he saw her.
            As Mothwing brought the injured kits to the nursery, others began to become acquainted with the new clan members, which would in a short time be officially hailed as RiverClan members.
            Leaving Barkpaw to chat with his new clanmates, Flamepaw quickly found her parents and ran to them, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her mother, Suntail, embraced her, her eyes wet too. Brownpelt, his eyes watery as well, stood beside the mother and daughter.
            "I miss you guys so much," Flamepaw wailed, burying her head into her mother's thick ginger pelt. She hadn't realized how much she'd grown while she'd been gone, and she noticed that she was becoming even closer in size to her mother.
            "Don't you ever run off again!" Brownpelt warned, slashing his tail.
            Suntail glanced at him angrily, and Brownpelt sighed. "What we mean to say is, we love you, Flamepaw. Please stay safe."
            Flamepaw nodded vigorously, nuzzling her father. Moments later, she was greeted by Dusktail, her old mentor, who congratulated her on her return to RiverClan safe and sound.
            "I hope you'll be ready for training in the morning," he told her, winking.
            "Just wait. I learned a lot while I was gone," Flamepaw teased.
            Dusktail chuckled slightly and walked off, just as Goldstar took her position on the log.
            "CATS OF RIVERCLAN!" she yowled.
            Immediately, the cats gathered and fell silent, glad to have their leader reinstated. Flamepaw gathered beside them and smiled at Goldstar, glad to see the leader working to her best potential again.
            Goldstar began by explaining her original reason for leaving, coupled with the multiple kidnappings and attacks by the notorious Korosu. For awhile, the cats remained silent as Goldstar went through the entire story. Flamepaw closed her eyes, the painful memories coming back to her clearly.
            "Recently, RiverClan kits were taken," Goldstar announced. "This was no doubt the work of Korosu. Fortunately, two of the kits managed to escape, despite their grave injuries. It has come to my attention that Korosu is planning something, for what other reason would she need to steal kits for. We do not know for the time being what exactly she is meaning to accomplish, but I personally will be keeping a watchful eye on events taking place. While we have returned safely, Korosu is still on the prowl..."
            This grave message chilled Flamepaw, and she quickly was reminded of the slim white she-cat who had caused her and her friends so much pain.
            Goldstar quickly moved away from this message though and invited up Runningkit, Neko, and Barkpaw. Feeling slightly better, Flamepaw watched in excitement as the three officially became members of RiverClan, Barkpaw being given Rosepettle as a mentor, Neko's name changing to Spotteddusk, and Runningkit being officially named Runningblaze.
            Together, the RiverClan cats cheered for their new members, and as soon as the crowd dispersed, Flamepaw found Barkpaw and congratulated him, excited to train with him. While this feeling of joy surged throughout the camp, a feeling of dread crept up in Flamepaw. She may have returned safely, but Korosu was still out there, waiting to attack.

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