Chapter 1

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              Flamekit's eyes lazily opened in the early morning. Her back was pressed against the warmth of her mother, Suntail's, pelt. Flamekit turned, finding her mother still asleep. Frowning, she yawned, glancing around the nursery.
            There were only three other kits beside herself in the nursery, leaving her with very few playmates.
            She glanced over at Mothkit, a calico kitten who had recently turned five moons old. Flamekit was aware she'd be an apprentice soon, though Mothkit had been explaining how she'd been wanting to be a medicine cat apprentice for the past moon.
            Overall, Mothkit had been her only friend in the nursery so far, and she'd be leaving three moons before Flamekit was able to become an apprentice.
            Flamekit turned her head, glancing at Mothkit's mother, Thornheart who slept beside her.
            Across from Thornheart were two toms, Mudkit and Oakkit. Their mother, Longriver, was gone, probably eating a quick mouse before the two woke. Mudkit and Oakkit were two moons, only one moon older than her, which meant she'd be stuck with them for much too long in the nursery.
            Suntail stirred, causing Flamekit to jump.
            "Are you already awake?" Suntail asked.
            Flamekit nodded, turning to face her mother. Suntail looked very similar to her, her pelt a golden, almost orange color. Flamekit's pelt, however, blazed much brighter than Suntail's.
            "How about we go on a walk?" Suntail suggested, knowing the nursery did not do too much for Flamekit.
            "Sure," Flamekit agreed, rising and following her mother outside of the den. It was another normal day in RiverClan as cats ate, rushed to patrols, and chatted with each other.
            "Will we go see Brownpelt?" Flamekit asked.
            Brownpelt was her father, a large and strong tom who was a good warrior for RiverClan. His pelt, unlike Flamekit's, was a dark brown with tabby markings. At times, Flamekit wondered if he even was her father with such a distinct pelt, but then she remembered she possessed the same bright green eyes as him.
            "I'm afraid not. He was assigned on patrol," Suntail replied.
            Like always, Flamekit thought, frowning.
            She padded next to Suntail, passing by Rosepaw and Bramblepaw, two fairly new RiverClan apprentices. The two siblings were wrestling around with each other, laughing. They'd only been in the nursery a week or so before becoming apprentices. Flamekit had only known them for a short time.
            "Hey, Flamekit! Hi, Suntail!" Rosepaw called, lifting her white tail. Bramblepaw waved his next to hers.
            Suntail continued padding around camp, passing by the apprentice den. Rockpaw sat against it, his gray pelt shining in the sunlight.
            "Good morning, Rockpaw," Suntail called.
            "Oh, hello, Suntail," Rockpaw replied. "Hi, Flamekit." Rockpaw was larger than Rosepaw and Bramblepaw, considering the fact he was nearly twelve moons. Flamekit knew Goldstar would be making him a warrior in a short amount of time.
            "How are you, Suntail?" Rockpaw asked.
            "I'm fine. Is everything going well with your training?" Suntail asked.
            "Oh, yes! In fact, Goldstar's making me a warrior today."
            "Congratulations!" Suntail exclaimed.
            "Hey, is that nursery crowded, Flamekit?" Rockpaw asked.
            Flamekit shrunk down, frightened by the tom's large size. She knew it was stupid, being afraid of a fellow RiverClan member, but she couldn't help it.
            "Um, not really," she murmured.
            "Mothkit will become an apprentice soon, and if no other queens move in soon, it'll just be Flamekit, Mudkit, and Oakkit," Suntail explained.
            "Well, thanks for chatting. I'll see you later for the ceremony," Rockpaw called, padding off to meet up with some warriors.
            "You're welcome!" Flamekit called as he padded away.
            Flamekit looked up, noticing cats piling into camp. Morning patrol had returned, and Goldstar led the way, looking furious.
            Suntail immediately ran to her, Flamekit struggling to follow behind.
            "Goldstar, what's wrong?" Suntail asked. Suntail was Goldstar's sister, technically making Goldstar Flamekit's aunt. The two had continued to share a loving sister relationship after Goldstar had become leader, and though Goldstar often tried to hide her troubles, Suntail was always able to detect them.
            "There were ShadowClan cats trespassing today," she growled. "They think RiverClan's weak because we have three apprentices. It's not my fault leaf-bare was so cruel."
            "But you'll have more apprentices soon," Suntail assured her.
            "I know that!" Goldstar hissed.
            Suntail shrunk down, and Flamekit hid behind her.
            "Sorry," Goldstar sighed. "I'm just frustrated."
            "Well, good luck," Suntail offered, turning to face Brownpelt.
            "Good morning, Suntail," Brownpelt purred as the crowd broke up and cats went off to do their daily duties. "How are you doing?"
            "Just fine."
            Brownpelt then turned his attention to Flamekit.
            "And how's my favorite kit?" he asked.
            "I'm your only kit," Flamepaw replied, giggling.
            "Sorry about Goldstar," Brownpelt mewed quietly. "She's tense, that's all. She's only been leader for three moons."
            "I know," Suntail sighed.
            "Well, I'll catch up with you later," he called, padding away.
            "Let's head back to the nursery, then," Suntail suggested, turning around. Flamekit followed behind her, disappointed their walk had been rather short.
            Once they returned, Flamekit immediately raced over to Mothkit, who was now awake.
            "Good morning, Flamekit!" Mothkit exclaimed.
            "Excited to see your first warrior ceremony today?" Mothkit asked.
            Flamekit nodded vigorously. "When will you be an apprentice?"
            "Not for another moon," Mothkit explained. "But we still have a moon together. And besides, once I'm an apprentice, you'll be able to visit me all the time. Just make sure to get a thorn in your paw or something."
            Flamekit laughed, though she was saddened by the fact Mothkit would be leaving the nursery in only a moon.
            They continued chatting and playing for a good remainder of time. It was only when Flamekit heard Suntail's call that she pricked her ears.
            "Rockpaw's warrior ceremony is starting!" Suntail called.
            Flamekit and Mothkit both exchanged glances and smiled, racing out of the den together. Mothkit led her to the front of the crowd, finding two spots for them to sit. Flamekit sat down beside her friend, turning her head to see yet another calico warrior.
            "Hi, there, Flamekit," the calico she-cat purred.
            "Hey, Daisyflower!" Mothkit called.
            "Hi," Flamekit replied quietly. She then turned to Mothkit. "How does she know my name?"
            Mothkit giggled. "You're the newest kit born here, and technically, a descendent of Goldstar. Everyone knows your name."
            "Quiet!" Daisyflower urged, shushing them. "The ceremony is starting."
            Flamekit glanced up, watching Rockpaw stand at the top of a large log with Goldstar. Goldstar paused, waiting for the crowd to quiet down.
            "Welcome, RiverClan. I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to follow your noble code, and I grant him to you as a warrior in return. Snowheart," Goldstar called.
            Flamekit turned, noticing a large white she-cat standing near the rock.
            "You have mentored Rockpaw for the past six moons. Do you believe he is ready to become a noble warrior of RiverClan?"
            "I do, Goldstar," Snowheart agreed.
            "Then, by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name of Rockpelt!"
            "ROCKPELT! ROCKPELT!" the clan cried.
            Flamekit shouted next to Mothkit, chanting, "Rockpelt! Rockpelt!"
            Flamekit glanced up, looking at Rockpelt's smiling face. Flamekit hoped one day too to stand on the log and receive her warrior name from Goldstar after a long and hard amount of training. It would be an honor to become a RiverClan warrior.
            "That was exciting!" Mothkit cheered as the crowd broke apart.
            Flamekit nodded, though she knew the next ceremony she'd attend would most likely be Mothkit's.
            "Do you think I'll be a warrior one day?" Flamekit asked.
            "Of course you will be," Mothkit said. "The other clans around here are tough, so RiverClan needs all the warriors it can get. Have you started swimming yet?"
            "I've had a few lessons," Flamepaw explained. "Suntail's a good teacher, but I suppose I'll really improve once I become an apprentice."
            "Well, that's moons away. Still, I'd focus more on being an apprentice than a warrior. You should be excited that you'll be training soon."
            "Well, so should you. I'm sure helping sick cats and tending wounds will be fun," Flamekit told her, though she doubted this was any fun.
            "Oh, it is! Mountaineye has been letting me stop by to help him. I can't wait to become his apprentice!"
            "Flamekit!" Suntail called.
            "I'll talk to you later, Mothkit!" Flamekit shouted, running off.
            Mothkit grinned and waved as Flamekit padded off with her mother back towards the nursery.

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