Chapter 21

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            "It happened long before you were born, Flamepaw," Goldstar began. "Snowheart was a young warrior, and at the time, she had just given birth to her first litter. She gave birth to a sole tom, whom she called Runningkit."
            Flamepaw nodded, listening intently to the story.
            "RiverClan was suffering hard that year. Leaf-bare was long and hard, and we lost many cats to greencough and other diseases. This made us weaker, and more vulnerable to other clans and rogues.
            "One day, a rogue attacked our camp—a strong tom. Korosu, the slim she-cat you saw, was with him, though she remained hidden from the rest of the crowd. The tom broke into the nursery and stole Runningkit, leaving with him and Korosu. Snowheart was distraught, and we searched for nearly a moon, but they left no trace behind. Occasionally we'd hear of kits going missing in forests far from our own, and even I had been told stories of kitnapping as a kit. I believe it may be all connected somehow...
            "But it's been moons since any cat has spoken of Korosu and the unknown tom. When we were coming up here, I could definitely make out Runningkit, but he surprisingly seemed to be supporting Snowheart instead of Korosu. I don't know what Korosu has planned, but she seems to be gone now. Still, I wonder where the tom went," Goldstar spoke, glancing down.
            Flamepaw nodded, it all somewhat making sense. Still, that nasty scent hung in the air, Snowheart may be dead, and Runningkit and Korosu were nowhere to be found.
            "That must be why she left so suddenly," Mothwing guessed. "Perhaps she caught her son's scent. I'm surprised she still remembers it."
            "Or she smelled Korosu's," Goldstar responded. "But still, she has a keen nose."
            "Uh...guys," Neko called, padding across some rocks. He stopped near a bush, glancing down uneasily.
            "What is it?" Rosepettle asked.
            Curiously, they all trotted over to where Neko stood. The terrible scent became stronger in Flamepaw's nose, and she gasped to find the body of a dead cat lying on the ground. It was a large tom, brown with dark stripes. There was a cut across his neck, blood flowing out of it. He had only been dead a short time.
            "Move out of the way," Goldstar instructed, the others obeying. She glanced at the tom with uncertainty, then nodded.
            "This was the tom that stole Runningkit and worked with Korosu. I believe it was Snowheart who killed him," she suspected, grabbing white hairs that clung to the tom's wounds. "We've solved one mystery. Korosu is still missing though."
            "What about Snowheart?" Rosepettle whimpered. "She-she could be dead down there! Are we going to save her?!"
            "We'll have to see," Goldstar sighed.
            "But we already lost D--" Rosepettle couldn't say the name, but Flamepaw felt her throat closing up, and she began to choke on tears. She would forever carry the burden of Daisyflower's death. The she-cat's memory haunted her every moment.
            "She'll be fine," Neko assured Rosepettle.
            "You-you think so?" Rosepettle asked, her eyes glittering with tears.
            Neko nodded.
            "Do we keep moving or wait?" Flamepaw asked.
            "I'm not leaving without Snowheart!" Rosepettle shouted, stomping her foot down.
            "Then I suppose we're waiting," Goldstar agreed. Leaving the tom's body, they all sat near the edge of the cliff impatiently, praying to StarClan that Snowheart would miraculously rise from the tavern below.
            For awhile they just waited, Flamepaw impatiently flicking her tail. She wasn't sure what Rosepettle was trying to accomplish. There was no way Snowheart could survive the fall, right? Why were they even sitting here in the hot sun? They should be heading home...
            It seemed the other cats were getting bored as well. Mothwing was sorting through her herbs for the fifth time, and Neko impatiently tapped his paw on the ground. Goldstar moved a small pebble around with her paws, and Rosepettle sat, looking as if she'd burst into tears.
            There was a silence, and then Rosepettle screamed.
            "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" she yowled, rising to her feet quickly. "WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD?!"
            "Rosepettle," Goldstar began, but the she-cat was already in motion. Glancing back quickly, she ran to the edge of the cliff and leapt.
            "NO!" Flamepaw shouted, rising to her feet.
            "ROSEPETTLE!" Neko shouted, rushing to the edge. The others gathered, worried about the young warrior.
            "I love you, Rosepettle," Neko whimpered quietly, though it was loud enough for Flamepaw to hear. She moved her tail, about to comfort the tom, when she decided it was best she didn't. His shoulders sagged, and he sat down, whimpering.
            "She-she may not be dead," Flamepaw told him. "Besides, Mothwing, Goldstar, and I are still here."
            "No..." Neko growled, standing up once more. He stood up, his tail standing high. He turned to the others, and Flamepaw curiously stared at him.
            "See you in StarClan," he said, raising his tail.
            "Neko, wait," Flamepaw began, but the spotted tom turned and jump, shouting in glee as he fell below. Soon, his cries died down, and Flamepaw could only imagine him landing painfully below.
            "MOUSEBRAIN!" Goldstar shouted below, her shouts echoing all around them.
            Flamepaw sat down, tears flooding her eyes. She turned to Goldstar and Mothwing sadly, her eyes wet.
            "We lost everyone," she spoke sadly, her tail drooping. "Daisyflower, Rosepettle, Snowheart, Neko...What do we do now, Goldstar?!" she shouted, angry that everything had gone wrong. "What do we do?" she repeated more quietly.
            Goldstar shrugged. "I assume the whole clan thinks we're dead by now, so there's no harm in going after them."
            "Goldstar, what are you saying?" Mothwing asked.
            "Here goes nothing!" Goldstar shouted, backing up.
            "Goldstar!" Flamepaw shrieked. "We're going to jump down that?! We'll die!"
            Goldstar turned to her, and for some reason, she seemed younger to Flamepaw, not as wise. She seemed stubborn, playful, like a young kit. Was this the Goldstar her mother had known?
            "I didn't say you had to come with me," she told Flamepaw. "You'll make it safely home." And with that, the ginger she-cat ran towards the edge of the cliff and flung herself downwards, disappearing into the darkness below.
            Flamepaw stood, shocked, now only with Mothwing. She and the calico exchanged glances of surprise, then stood for a few moments.
            "Are-are you going too?" Flamepaw asked her.
            "I'm not going," Mothwing decided. "Perhaps there is something down there, but I am RiverClan's medicine cat, and they need me. I can safely take you home, Flamepaw."
            Flamepaw smiled weakly, glad her friend had given her an option, but it didn't seem right. Gingerkit had wanted Flamepaw to bring Goldstar home safely, and if Flamepaw were to leave with Mothwing, she'd leave them all, not knowing if they had survived. The mystery would haunt her. Plus, she'd be given the task of saying how she was responsible for deaths, for their decisions.
            "I-I don't know what to do!" Flamepaw exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. Why did such a young cat have to make a huge decision?! She wanted nothing more than to go back to her nest and live safely in RiverClan, but would that even be possible anymore? Would these memories not flood her brain?
            Mothwing closed her eyes and gently rested her tail on Flamepaw's shoulder. "I have known you since you were small, Flamepaw. I even watched your mother give birth. From what I know, you always have the best decision in mind. You are selfless and brave. Do what your heart tells you," she spoke, beginning to walk away.
            Flamepaw stood, wishing Mothwing could give her more time. But the she-cat was already walking away, and Flamepaw had to decide now. Go with Mothwing or jump over the cliff? Any other cat would choose going home, but Flamepaw turned back to the cliff.
            "I-I...Rosepettle is my friend, but so are you, Mothwing!" she called, looking back at the cliff with uncertainty. She shut her eyes, the tears now coming to a cease. Whatever Mothwing had said had motivated her. Perhaps she really was braver and stronger than she thought. She was an apprentice on a dangerous mission, making decisions many other warriors would never make.
            "I'm sorry, Mothwing," she whispered at last, watching as the she-cat disappeared into the forest. "But Gingerkit made me promise to keep Goldstar safe."
            And without further ado, Flamepaw rushed towards the edge of the cliff and leapt into the air, falling below into the darkness without even echoing the tiniest scream.

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