Chapter 18

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            Flamepaw's eyes opened weakly, sunlight flooding her vision. She was still lying in the grassy clearing, her vision blurred. Her muscles were sore, and she winced as she felt the wound the fox had left. Dried blood was crusted onto her ginger fur, and Flamepaw gently licked the wound, glancing around.
            Snowheart and Goldstar were still passed out, and for a moment, Flamepaw feared they were dead. She flicked her ear and kept her eyes focused on them though, relieved to see their steady breaths. They too had wounds, and she worried about getting them help.
            Flamepaw stood up slowly. Her wound was not that bad, and within a few moments, she was able to walk again, only a slight pain spreading through her as she moved. Other than that, she surely wasn't going to die.
            Goldstar groaned in her sleep, and Flamepaw approached her slowly, poking Goldstar with her tail lightly.
            The golden she-cat opened her eyes, focusing on Flamepaw. Flamepaw sat down, patiently waiting for Goldstar to awake.
            Goldstar lifted her head, her eyes focused on the young apprentice.
            "Wh-where are the foxes?" she asked weakly, glancing around suddenly in fear. Snowheart was still passed out beside her, only her chest moving up and down.
            "Daisyflower fought them," Flamepaw explained. "So I grabbed you and Snowheart and brought you here to be safe."
            Flamepaw had not thought of Daisyflower, but now, her thoughts raced to her. Was the she-cat all right? She had to be. Daisyflower was a strong warrior. Perhaps she'd found Mothwing, or Rosepettle and Neko.
            "Oh," Goldstar spoke, sitting up now. She winced a little at her wounds, but like Flamepaw, they didn't seem too intense. She licked her pelt, glancing around.
            "What about Mothwing? Did you grab her too?" Goldstar asked.
            Flamepaw's heart speed up, and her stomach clenched. "I-I didn't see Mothwing," she admitted. "She wasn't with the foxes, was she?"
            Goldstar shut her eyes in despair. "She is with them."
            "I'm such a mouse-brain!" Flamepaw spat, suddenly feeling terrible. Her best friend had been in danger, and she'd left her with the foxes, including Daisyflower. What a terrible cat she was!
            "I have to go back to her!" Flamepaw gasped. "Do you know where she is? Where are they keeping her?"
            "I don't know where she is," Goldstar began, only to be interrupted by a rustling of bushes. Flamepaw braced herself, expecting to find foxes.
            What she did not expect was to see Mothwing stagger through the bushes, dried blood on her fur, blood oozing from her wounds. A bundle of herbs was held tightly in her mouth, and she looked like a zombie coming back from the grave.
            "Mothwing!" Flamepaw gasped, running to the she-cat's side. "Are you okay?"
            Mothwing staggered, rasping, "Need...marigold."
            Suddenly, Mothwing lost her balance, and Goldstar caught her just in time. Mothwing leaned against Goldstar's pelt, breathing raggedly. She was in great danger.
            "There's no time for flowers!" Goldstar spat. "We have to heal you, Mothwing!"
            "MARIGOLD!" Mothwing shrieked.
            "Marigold will heal her," Flamepaw snapped at Goldstar unexpectedly. "I remember hearing Mothwing asking if I wanted to find it."
            "Well, by all means, we have to get her some!" Goldstar exclaimed.
            "Mothwing, where can I find some?" Flamepaw asked desperately.
            Mothwing winced, clearly in a lot of pain. "," she rasped. She was barely breathing from the pain. Flamepaw tried to look past her wounds, but they stuck out clearly, noting how serious she needed to be healed.
            "What do they look like?" Flamepaw asked, trying to remember.
            "Yellow. Yellow flowers," Mothwing said, nodding to herself.
            "Go get some! I'll stay with her," Goldstar commanded.
            Flamepaw nodded and rushed off into the forest, looking around for any types of rocks. Her heart was pounding heavily. Mothwing could die if Flamepaw did not get these herbs. She had to get some!
            She rushed through the woods until she noticed dark gray boulders. Praying to StarClan, she walked around the boulders, finding nothing but green weeds and other various flowers.
            "Please, I need some marigold!" she shouted in desperation.
            As if her prayers had been answered, she turned the corner to find yellow flowers sprouting from the ground. Thanking StarClan, she quickly knelt down and grabbed a mouthful, running quickly back to the clearing.
            Following the stale scents she'd left, she retreated back towards the grassy meadow, relieved to find all three still alive, waiting impatiently for Flamepaw to return.
            "I got them!" Flamepaw shouted, her mouth full of flowers. She stopped in front of Goldstar and Mothwing, Snowheart still asleep, and dropped the marigold next to Mothwing.
            "Chew it, and put it on the wound," Mothwing advised her. Even though the marigold had not been applied, Mothwing already sounded better. Perhaps she would not die after all.
            Flamepaw obeyed her and chewed the roots, gagging at the flavor. But she had to save her friend. She turned, seeing the long cut on Mothwing's leg. Flamepaw applied the substance, sympathetic of Mothwing's winces. Soon, Mothwing sighed in relief and smiled. Perhaps she would be okay after all.
            Flamepaw assumed Mothwing would rest, but the young she-cat was busy. She grabbed the rest of the marigold and organized herbs, applying cobwebs to her wound next.
            "Turn. I'll fix up your wound," Mothwing instructed.
            Flamepaw nodded, wincing as the same substance was applied to Flamepaw's wound. Instantly though, the stinging ceased, and Flamepaw moved her body, feeling slightly better.
            Mothwing stood up now, something Flamepaw was not sure she should be doing, but she watched Mothwing carefully. She inspected Goldstar and Snowheart, beginning to apply herbs to their wounds.
            Flamepaw watched, concerned. Mothwing turned, facing Flamepaw.
            "I'm fine, Flamepaw. You don't have to worry," she assured her.
            Flamepaw sighed in relief. "But what about Goldstar and Snowheart?" she asked.
            "I don't know yet. I believe they'll be fine...or so I think," Mothwing replied, applying more herbs. She finished up, stowing the rest of the herbs by a nearby stone.
            "But what about the others?" Flamepaw asked Mothwing. "What about Daisyflower, Rosepettle, and Neko?"
            Goldstar had fallen asleep now, and Snowheart was still unconscious. Mothwing turned to Flamepaw, sighing.
            "I don't know," she replied.
            Snowheart suddenly raised her head and tried to lift herself up, only to give up and fall back down in defeat. Mothwing stroked Snowheart's pelt, coaxing her into falling back asleep.
            "But we have to find them!" Flamepaw argued.
            "We aren't strong enough yet. Don't worry, Flamepaw. We'll find them soon. It's already getting into evening. Perhaps we should all rest well tonight and search tomorrow. I'm sure you have information on where they are. Maybe you can help us find them," Mothwing promised.
            Already evening? Flamepaw turned, seeing that indeed the sun was beginning to set. How long had she been out? She had assumed that she'd woken up in the early morning, but she really had been out longer.
            Flamepaw sighed in defeat and curled up, finding herself unable to sleep. She kept worrying about Mothwing, Snowheart, and Goldstar. Would they all be okay? And what about Daisyflower? Had she fought off the foxes and managed to escape? And what about Rosepettle and Neko? They were probably still in the woods, looking for Mothwing. They too were also in danger of being caught by Fang.
            Flamepaw whimpered, suddenly missing RiverClan. She missed the gentle currents of river, the taste of fresh fish, the apprentice den, her warm nest. She missed hunting with Dusktail, learning battle moves.
            But most of all, she missed her parents. She missed her mother's warm smile, her father's tall figure and brave personality. She wondered if her parents missed her. After all, she'd been gone awhile now. Were they sending out patrols? Or was Mountainheart too preoccupied with finding Goldstar?
            Flamepaw sighed, resting her head on her paws. She hoped they weren't in any more danger. Hadn't the foxes been enough? Had Gingerkit's grave warning been fulfilled? Flamepaw was so exhausted, she really did just want to head home. Something in her gut told her they would not be returning home for quite awhile longer.
            Still exhausted from the day before, Flamepaw shut her eyes, the pain in her wound ceasing. Slowly, she fell asleep.

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