Chapter 4

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            Flamekit yawned slowly as she opened her eyes to find another day had begun. RiverClan was loud and chatty as cats went about doing their daily business. Flamekit knew her apprentice ceremony was less than a moon away as she heard the frantic and excited calls of Mudkit and Oakkit, who would be becoming apprentices in moments.
            Suntail lightly shoved Flamekit, though Flamekit only groaned, not wanting to rise. Her mother stood up, and Flamekit sighed, standing up next to her.
            Suntail and Brownpelt's harsh laws had slowly faded, but not completely. They were still upset with her for her behavior and running into the woods that night so long ago. Still, she had been allowed to go on a short walk with Mothpaw once, and sometimes Suntail would play hide and seek by the river bed with her.
            Other than that, she remained mostly in camp, usually in the nursery, where she tossed the same mossball against the den wall, awaiting the day when she would become a RiverClan apprentice.
            "Mom, my fur looks fine!" Mudkit complained.
            Flamekit laughed a little, knowing she would be the same kit sunrises from now when Suntail tried to make her fur look nice.
            "Let's eat before the ceremony," Suntail suggested to Flamekit.
            Flamekit followed her mother outside, the hot sun beating on her back. Green-leaf had almost fully arrived. The days had gotten hotter, the days longer, and more prey roamed the woods. The river had gone down some, but not too much. It was still deep enough for Flamekit to drown in.
            Suntail found a fish from the fresh-kill pile and sat down. Flamekit sat down beside her, biting into the tasty fish that had been basking in the sun. One day, she hoped to catch fish as good as this one.
            "Tasty, isn't it?" Suntail asked.
            Flamekit nodded vigorously as she took another bite.
            "Green-leaf brings all sorts of great fish," Suntail explained.
            "What about the other seasons?" Flamekit asked.
            "There are still a great variety of fish in leaf-fall, though soon they begin to fade away. The river freezes over in leaf-bare, which is the hardest season since we rely on the river to supply us with food. There is no fish that season. New-leaf is when the fish return," Suntail explained.
            "What do you mean the fish go in leaf-bare? What do the cats eat?" Flamekit asked, surprised.
            "Birds, rabbits, squirrels; they're all scarce though. Do not worry about leaf-bare yet. For now, enjoy the beginning of green-leaf," Suntail purred.
            "Good morning!" came a voice.
            Flamekit turned and saw her father smiling down at the two.
            "Good morning, Brownpelt. Come to join us?" Suntail asked, grinning.
            "Well, I guess a bite wouldn't hurt," Brownpelt purred, sitting down beside Flamekit. He took a large bite from the fish, grinning in satisfaction.
            "And how are you, Flamekit?"
            "Good," Flamekit mewed quietly.
            "Hmph...she'll be an apprentice soon," Brownpelt observed. "Perhaps you'll be able to go on all sorts of patrols with your father. You'd like that, huh?"
            Flamekit nodded quietly. It always felt awkward around her father. He was constantly busy, even though he was not deputy. Plus, she always remembered the look of disapproval when he found her in the woods that night. It was forever implanted in her mind.
            "That's our cue," Brownpelt murmured.
            "Won't you watch the ceremony with us?" Suntail asked.
            "Sure," Brownpelt replied, causing Flamekit's mouth to lift into a smile.
            She padded in between her mother and father to the fallen tree where Goldstar sat with Mudkit and Oakkit, who gazed excitedly at the crowd.
            Out of the corner of her eye, Flamekit could see Mothpaw waving her tail at her. Flamekit grinned and waved back, focusing back on Goldstar.
            "Mudkit and Oakkit have reached six moons, which means they are old enough to become apprentices. Mudkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Mudpaw," Goldstar declared.
            "Rockpelt," Goldstar called.
            Flamekit turned to gaze at the tom, who stepped forward nervously. This was obviously his first apprentice since he had only been made a warrior moons before.
            "You have proved to be a wise and strong warrior so far. Please, teach this onto Mudpaw," Goldstar spoke softly.
            "I-I will not fail, Goldstar," Rockpelt replied.
            Flamekit watched now as Mudpaw raced down the rock to touch noses with his mentor. Goldstar then continued onto Oakpaw, who too received a great mentor and smiled proudly.
            Finally, as the ceremony came to an end, the whole clan began to shout, "MUDPAW! OAKPAW! MUDPAW! OAKPAW!"
            Flamekit shouted along with them, secretly glad to have them out of the nursery. Now she'd be the oldest kit!
            "I've got to go. I'll catch up with you later," Brownpelt said, waving good-bye to his family.
            "Why does he never spend time with us?" Flamekit murmured.
            Her mother, unfortunately, caught her statement.
            "He is busy, Flamekit," she snapped. "Your father works hard. I hope you learn from him and become as good of a warrior as him."
            Suntail stalked off, leaving Flamekit confused. Was she also upset with Brownpelt?
            Flamekit shrugged, following her mother. Suddenly, Mothpaw stopped her in her footsteps.
            "Hey, Flamekit!"
            "Hey!" Flamekit replied.
            "Mountaineye's sending me off to fetch herbs again. Now's your chance! Want to come?" she asked.
            Flamekit gazed back uneasily at her mother. She had disappeared into the nursery, most likely awaiting Flamekit.
            "Oh, come on," Mothpaw urged. "We never do anything together anymore."
            "But Suntail," she began.
            "I'll tell Mountaineye to talk to Suntail. Stay here," she called, rushing off. Flamekit awkwardly stood near the edge of camp, awaiting Mothpaw.
            Suddenly, Mothpaw returned with Rosepaw, another apprentice. She was older and taller then Mothpaw, standing over her.
            "You know Rosepaw, right?" Mothpaw asked.
            "Somewhat," Flamekit replied.
            "Are you sure we should bring a kit with us, Mothpaw?" Rosepaw asked. "She doesn't even know the woods, and we all heard what happened."
            Flamekit glared at Rosepaw, angry she doubted her.
            "Flamekit's almost six moons. Come on!" Mothpaw called, heading off into the woods.
            Flamekit nervously followed behind, hoping Mountaineye had gotten the message off to her mother. The last thing she needed was another lecture from Suntail.
            "What are we looking for?" Flamekit asked.
            "Catmint," Mothpaw replied.
            "But isn't that to cure greencough?" Rosepaw asked.
            "Mountaineye's trying to stock up now before leaf-bare. Some twolegs like to grow it," Mothpaw replied.
            "Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Flamekit asked.
            "Sneaking into a twoleg's backyard? Nah," Mothpaw responded. "Our goal is to plant some of our own in the forest. Mountaineye's attempted, but he hasn't found a great spot yet. For now, we take some from the twoleg's backyard. They don't seem to notice."
            Flamekit nodded, still nervous. She followed the two through the woods, scared a fox might pop out again and capture her. But the fox never came, and soon, they arrived on the outskirts of RiverClan territory, nearly on the ThunderClan border. Twoleg houses sat by the woods.
            "Here we are!" Mothpaw exclaimed. "Be careful. We're sort of trespassing ThunderClan territory."
            "What?!" Flamekit gasped.
            "Quiet down," Rosepaw replied. "It's not a big deal. There aren't any patrols around here. We'll cover our scents later."
            Flamekit nodded, slowly following the two across a strip of land and towards a fence. She walked along the fenceline with Rosepaw and Mothpaw, nervous a ThunderClan cat might show up and rip their heads off for trespassing.
            "This one," Mothpaw whispered, leaping up the wooden fence. Rosepaw followed behind her while Flamekit struggled to make her way up. Mothpaw slowly pulled her up.
            "Thanks," Flamekit panted.
            "I told you she'd slow us down," Rosepaw whispered.
            Mothpaw ignored her and leapt down the fence. Rosepaw followed behind, Flamekit following behind them quickly. On the porch of the backyard sat pots of all sorts with flowers and vegetation growing from them. Near the last step was a large pot with growing green leaves.
            Mothpaw slowly approached it and bit on the stem, beginning to break pieces off. Rosepaw grabbed a leaf from a bush and allowed Mothpaw to place the leaves in. Mothpaw held the leaf in her mouth carrying the catmint and eyed Rosepaw. As Rosepaw bit down to grab more, a shriek came from inside.
            A twoleg was shouting from inside, banging on the window. Flamekit jumped, surprised, watching as Rosepaw and Mothpaw burst away. Flamekit followed behind quickly, the twoleg now making its way out of the house.
            "Wait for me!" Flamekit called as she approached the fence. The two leapt up, while Flamekit struggled to climb up the fence once again.
            Rosepaw grabbed onto Flamekit's paws and hoisted her up.
            "Thanks," Flamekit panted.
            "No time to thank me," she replied, leaping down from the fence. Flamekit leapt down and scurried back into the woods with them, adrenaline rushing through her veins.
            "That was close, huh?" Mothpaw laughed.
            "I thought you said they didn't mind!" Flamekit argued.
            "They haven't caught me before, but I guess I'll have to find another twoleg to bother soon. Or maybe I'll just go at night."
            Rosepaw giggled suddenly. "Did you see the look on that twoleg's face?"
            "Priceless," Mothpaw responded. The two began laughing, and Flamekit stood, watching them in confusion. Soon, she was laughing too.
            Together, they crossed back into RiverClan territory and soon arrived back at camp. Flamekit had never felt so free and accepted. She had been on a dangerous mission with two apprentices. What other kit could say that?
            As she came into camp, her mother ran to her, worried.
            "Flamekit!" she shouted.
            "I'm sorry!" Flamekit immediately replied.
            "I'm not angry," Suntail replied. "I was just worried. When Mountaineye said you were going with Mothpaw to fetch herbs, I didn't expect you to be so long. I guess I still want a close eye on you, but you are fine, of course."
            Flamekit nodded.
            "I'm sorry for being so tough," Suntail sighed. "You're my only kit, but I've got to accept that you're almost an apprentice and I can't look out for you all the time anymore."
            "So you're not mad?"
            "No," she responded, grinning. "Come on. Let's get inside for a good night's rest."
            Flamekit nodded, waving good-bye to Rosepaw and Mothpaw. She was glad her mother finally had accepted Flamekit could not be treated as a helpless kit anymore.

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