Chapter 27

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            In her dreams, Flamepaw dreamt she was back at RiverClan. She entered with the others, proudly gleaming as she presented Goldstar to all the cats, assuring everyone that the leader was safe and it had been all her doing.
            Then her parents were running up to her, embracing her warmly, telling her how proud they were of her and her accomplishments. Dusktail was right beside them, telling Flamepaw she surely deserved to become a warrior now due to her large success. Goldstar agreed, and Flamepaw was filled with happiness, knowing she'd done well.
            These dreams of delight were suddenly replaced by those of horror. As the cats cheered for her, she wondered if this praise was really meant. Her mind was then filled with images of the horror she'd experienced—Daisyflower's limp body covered in blood, the vicious red eyes of Korosu, Clawkit's limp body lying across a rock...The list continued.
            Flamepaw's eyes jolted open as she felt someone nudge her side. Her heart still racing from the nightmares, she noticed Goldstar standing over her, though she didn't show much concern for Flamepaw.
            "Wake up," she whispered. "You and I are taking watch now."
            Flamepaw nodded and stood up, her legs shaking. Barkpaw was curled up next to her, sleeping soundly. The others were quiet as well.
            Flamepaw followed Goldstar towards the outer edge of the circle of sleeping cats and sat next to her, gazing at the gleaming moon and stars. For a moment, she could almost feel StarClan's presence. Then, it was quickly lost as the memories of horror flooded back into her head.
            All seemed quiet tonight, and the forest slept soundly. Flamepaw wished it could always be this peaceful. She wished that a watch was not needed, and that they could assume Korosu would not attack. But this was not the case.
            "I meant to ask what you were dreaming about," Goldstar whispered, her eyes fixated on the round moon. "You were thrashing and whimpering."
            "It was nothing," Flamepaw lied.
            Goldstar nodded, still refusing to make eye contact. "It is okay to be frightened, you know. You need not act so bravely."
            Flamepaw did not reply, but glanced up at the moon. She turned, watching as Goldstar sighed.
            "A gathering will be going on tonight, and I will not attend. Do you believe RiverClan is in good hands currently?"
            Flamepaw shrugged. "It all depends, I guess."
            Goldstar nodded, casting her head down at her paws. "It was not wise for me to leave without advising the clan. I hope they can forgive me if we return."
            Flamepaw gulped at the word "if," realizing Goldstar too had doubts of this journey.
            "They will," Flamepaw assured her. "You were chosen as leader for a reason."
            Goldstar smiled warmly. "Thank you, but it was Salmonstar's decision, not mine. Still, I trust his judgement."
            "My mom also speaks highly of you," Flamepaw reassured her.
            Goldstar's whiskers twitched in amusement. "That is kind, but we're family. She is expected to."
            Flamepaw shrugged, laughing a little to herself. The sound of a twig cracking broke off their conversation, and Flamepaw was suddenly seized with terror.
            Goldstar, also hearing this, froze.
            "I'll go check it out," she murmured, slowly stalking forward. Flamepaw stayed behind, keeping a watch on the others. She didn't want Goldstar leaving, since she couldn't very well protect all these cats, but she followed Goldstar's advice.
            The golden she-cat disappeared into some bushes, then giggled slightly. Flamepaw tilted her head in confusion, watching as the she-cat popped her head out of the bushes.
            "Come here," she whispered.
            Flamepaw nodded, slowly creeping forward. She was still unaware if Goldstar had truly found a threat, and she wanted to be cautious. She slowly unsheathed her claws and disappeared into the bushes.
            She found Goldstar sitting on the other side, giggling to herself. Confused, Flamepaw came forward and unsheathed her claws, finding Goldstar facing a puddle of water. In the center sat a lone frog that croaked.
            "It was nothing but a frog?" Flamepaw wondered.
            Goldstar nodded. "Better a frog than something else," she replied, touching the frog with her paw. It leapt into the air and continued on, causing more noise as it jumped into a pair of bushes.
            Flamepaw smiled, glad it had been nothing.
            At that moment, however, a large yowl came from some bushes nearby, and Flamepaw shrieked as Neko leapt out of the bushes, his fur wild, his claws unsheathed. He let out a snarl, Rosepettle following behind.
            "Is someone attacking?" Rosepettle asked curiously.
            Neko, looking confused, unsheathed his claws and glanced around.
            "My, you looked quite threatening for a kittypet," Goldstar joked.
            Neko's fur flattened, and he glanced down in embarrassment. "Sorry. I thought someone was intruding."
            Rosepettle attempted to sooth him by running her tail down his pelt.
            "You were very brave and wise checking to make sure. If there had been an intruder, you would've scared him so badly, he would've left the forest in an instant," she assured him.
            Flamepaw agreed, smiling as Neko's self-esteem was boost.
            "Being alert is a good quality for a warrior," Goldstar told him, causing Neko to grow even more excited.
            Suddenly, Zebrafur burst into the bushes, her eyes dim with sleep.
            "Is someone attacking?" she wondered.
            "No. Just a big misunderstanding," Goldstar assured her. "Let's all head back to camp."
            The cats nodded, and Flamepaw padded back with the others, stopping at the circle of cats. Neko and Rosepettle both found their nests and curled up beside each other while Zebrafur returned to her mate and kit.
            Flamepaw glanced over at Barkpaw, who now shivered slightly with Flamepaw's pelt no longer brushing against him. She frowned, wanting to know more about the mysterious tom who had appeared.
            "Get sleep," Goldstar advised Flamepaw.
            "But I'm on duty," Flamepaw argued.
            "If I need help, I'll wake you up," Goldstar told her. "But you need rest."
            Flamepaw glanced at Barkpaw with uncertainty, then turned back to Goldstar.
            "Thank you," she spoke at last and returned to her nest, curling back up beside the dark brown tom. Realizing how tired she was, she found herself drifting back into a dreamless sleep.

Sunlight streaming onto her eyes made Flamepaw awake the next morning. Zebrafur and Tornface had been the last on watch, and so they were already up, distributing small portions of prey to every cat.
            Flamepaw rose and stretched her sore limbs, glad to see a beautiful day. Barkpaw's nest was empty, and she found him chatting eagerly with the others, talking greatly about his life in LightningClan and his wonderful sisters.
            Realizing she was the last to awake, Flamepaw joined the others and was given some squirrel, which she happily ate.
            "And no troubles last night?" Goldstar asked.
            Tornface shook his head. "All was quiet."
            "I helped watch too!" Tigerkit squeaked.
            His mother rolled her eyes. "Before you decided to go back to sleep."
            "I'm a growing kit!" Tigerkit argued. "I need my sleep!"
            All the cats laughed in amusement.
            "Are you really leaving us?" Rosepettle asked sadly as their breakfast came to an end.
            Zebrafur frowned. "I'm afraid so. Tigerkit is homesick, and Tornface and I have decided it best to journey back home."
            Tornface nodded beside her. "We thank you for letting us travel with you though."
            "Thank you," Goldstar purred. "We would never have made if it weren't for you and your darling kits."
            Tornface smiled weakly while tears gathered in Zebrafur's eyes. Barkpaw stood, confused about the whole matter. Flamepaw supposed she'd have to explain to him the details in more depth later.
            "Thank you very much," Zebrafur responded, and the cats all huddled together, embracing the family.
            "Good-bye!" Tigerkit squeaked as he began to depart from the group of cats with his parents. Tornface smiled and lifted the tom onto his back, and for awhile, the cats stood, listening to Tigerkit's shrieks of laughter and Zebrafur's chatter until they disappeared into the forest.
            Then, Goldstar turned to the others, and with a look of all seriousness, she said, "Let's journey home ourselves."

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