Chapter 4 - Showing Him Around

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"You have a date!" Katie shouted.

I just told her about me showing Clark around the campus.

Now she thinks I have a date.

A date? I mean I'm just going to show him around campus! That's all. Right? I mean he didn't say anything about dates... I was just gonna show him around campus. That's all.

"I do not have a date! I was only going to show him around campus! He wanted me to do it because he barely knew anyone!"

"No. This is the guy making his move! First, your showing him around campus. The next you're hanging out all the time then the next you're together! Trust me! I know!" she said with her voice really loud.

"No, Katie. He is not making a move. No one's making a move! I'm just gonna show him around campus. That's all. After that, I'm not hanging out with him."

"Whatever you say, Steph." she said, unconvinced.

I stood up from my bed and went to my closet to pull out a t-shirt and a pajama. My shirt was a hand-down from my brother who is now working somewhere in Seattle. I sniffed the smell of the shirt. It still smells like the laundry soap back home.

God, I miss home. I miss Boston. I miss Mom. I miss Dad. I miss my dog, Sponge. I miss my brother. I miss everyone.

I was getting teary-eyed.

I was a family kid. I'm really sentimental about family. I always bawled my eyes out whenever I watch family movies. It was just.. It's really sad.

I grabbed my cellphone from my backpack and entered the bathroom with my brother's t-shirt and my bunny pajamas.

I dialed my mom's cellphone number and it rang. I waited for my mom to pick up while I slip onto the t-shirt and the pajamas.

My mom picked up after several rings, "Stephanie! Baby! How are you?"

"Hey, Mom. I'm fine. I just decided to call you guys. I miss you." I said as I went out of the bathroom.

Katie mouthed who's on the phone and I mouthed mom. She was on her bed reading a magazine.

"Awww, honey. We miss you too. So, how are your classes?"

"Well, to be honest, Mom, I think I'm going to fail History..." I said, scared that she'll scold me.

But she didn't.

"Oh, honey. You're a lot like me. I failed History too." she laughed and I laughed too.

"Where's dad?" I asked as I sat down on my bed, resting my head on the bedrest.

"I'm here!" I heard a distant shout.

"Hi, Dad!"

"Hey, kid. I miss you. You and your brother." he said with sadness. I think he was on the verge of crying! Oh, Dad...

"Dad, we miss you too. I know Alex misses you too. Call him later."

I was now hearing hiccups on the other line. My dad was really crying now!

"Dad! Don't cry!" I said.

"It's just that I haven't seen you in months! But uhh okay, kid. I'm gonna stop crying." he paused a few moments then he said, "Any boys?"

"No, dad. No boys." I said.

"Some guy walked her to the dorm! A hot guy, Mr. Lancer!" Katie suddenly shouted and I shushed her.

"You're lying! Who was that guy who walked you?"

"He was just an acquaintance, Dad. He was new to the university."

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