Chapter 8 - V-Card

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So, basically, I added the guy of my dreams on facebook. The guy who took my v-card, the guy who has a beautiful smile, the guy who has a very muscular body, the guy who...


You see, facebook friend requests, once you've sent them, they can never be canceled. That's not really a bad thing, sometimes. But, in my case, this is sort of bad. Clark Ellis told me to stay away from him. Believe me, I tried my best to. I thought I was doing a good job but..

Now, I'm a facebook stalker.

"Life is really peeking," I spoke to myself since Katie is sleeping.

I waited for the notification button to ring (I seriously do not know how it sounds like), but it never came.

I closed my laptop and put it on my bedside table. I also turned off my lamp shade and I closed my eyes.

My thoughts raced to a million things. Family, Friends, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark...

After a few Clark thoughts, I was dead to the world.


"Oh, well that's really unfortunate. He told you to stay away from him and now, you're a facebook stalker," Katie said then laughed.

"Oh, shut up. That is a bad thing. Actually, I don't know if it's good or bad or whatever."

"Life is peeking," she said and stuck her tongue out. I made a gesture that I would pull her tongue but then she stuck it inside again.

We were now at the cafeteria, my Wednesday schedule is all in the morning and free in the afternoon, Katie's schedule was like that too. Talk about luckiness.

Katie munched on her sandwich and I munched on mine. My sandwich was my forever-favorite, chicken sandwich. I just love chicken.

People around the cafeteria started murmuring loud enough for us to hear and they all looked at the entrance of the cafeteria. I looked also, intrigued of their reactions.

I tried to keep my face straight. And I looked back at Katie. She eyed me with worry written all over her face.

Clark and a blonde curvy girl made their way to the lunch line. Well, I thought. They make a fine couple.

"You know, we can head back to the dormitories. I-"

"No, no. It's fine. I don't care, anyways."

Yeah, right.

Of course I do. I can't help but feel uneasy on seeing how smily Clark is right now. The blonde girl, I think she's on her second year, cracked a joke and it made him laugh.

I tried to tear my eyes away from them. They seriously look good together. I'm not envying the girl or anything, I'm just jealous.


Just jealous.

Oh, God. Since when did my college life drifted back to high school years? Seriously. I feel like I'm in a really bad teenage movie. Too much cliché.

"Uhm, can we sit here? I mean if it's okay with you," I heard someone say.

I looked at the person. Oh, great! It's Clark and his blonde. Clark didn't look at me. But he spoke, "Lea, we can find other seats."

Oh so, Lea is the blonde's name.

"No. There are no other seats," she turned to me.

"Uhm, yeah sure," I said.

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