Chapter 10 - The Drake Situation

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[Stephanie's POV]

I'm messed up.

Things with Drake is just crazy. I don't even know how to describe us. We hold each other's hands, he kisses me in the forehead and on the cheek, he's acting all protective, but he's not really saying anything.

In short, he is driving me nuts.

I was on the hallway after my Literature class when I saw Drake talking to a girl. A girl who had blonde hair and wore pink. Everything was pink. I don't even doubt that her underwear is pink.

I walked up to them, feeling like I should. But when I did, Drake smiled at me and said, "Hey, this is Aria, she's from Romania? A transfer student."

"Oh. Hi, Aria." I smiled sweetly at her.

"Hello. It was nice meeting you, Drake. And also you. Goodbye," Aria spoke with her strong accent. She walked away and I looked at her back, she had one hell of a body. But everything is just too pink.

"Hey." I heard Drake say.

I looked at him. "Yeah?"

"No need to be like that."

"Be like what?"

"You're giving the girl a rough first week."

"What did I do?"

He smiled his million dollar smile with his blue eyes twinkling. "Don't glare at her. She's just a new acquaintance."

I defended myself. "I didn't even say anything!"

He laughed. I didn't know what was so funny to him. I started walking towards the exit of the building. I felt his presence beside me but I didn't acknowledge it.

When we got outside, he finally held my hand. I mean, not that I was waiting for it...

Okay, maybe I was.

"Oh, so you're not talking to me, but it's okay if I held your hand?" Drake said.

I let go just to tease him and I didn't expect what he did next.

He hugged me from behind. "Talk to me."

"Prick." I said quietly. I called him that because... just so. People were now looking at us. Some were smiling, but of course, some were glaring. I mean, talk about PDA.

Not that we're together or anything. We're best friends. I mean we are, right? But we're acting like we're more than that.

This is driving me nuts.

He was still hugging me. "Aw, come on. No need for the name calling."

"Okay, Drake. You can let go now." I said, even though I wasn't sure if I wanted him to let go...

"I won't let go until you talk to me."

"But I-" he cut me off by saying, "Properly."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Okay, I'm going to ask you something. Answer truthfully, okay?"

He was still hugging me from behind. We were beside the road. People were still looking at us. I heard him sigh deeply.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

My heart raced. I can't believe he asked me that. Here. I was completely taken aback that the only sounds that came out of my mouth were, "I... Uhm... I... Drake... Uhm..."

He let go and he ran off again. Oh, not again. I shouted, "Drake!" but he disappeared at a corner.

"Damn it," I whispered to myself. He can't be doing this again. This is just crazy.

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