Chapter 11 - A Secret Revealed

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[Stephanie's POV]

"Drake? Where the hell are you? Call me, text me, I don't know. I'm worried okay?"

There was a beep right after.

"Drake, please. Call me when you get this. Where the hell are you? I'm really worried."

Again, a beep right after.

"Drake! Please call me. I'm really worried, okay?"

A beep again.

"Drake, just please call me. I don't want to hear over the news that you got hit by a lightning or something. Just freaking call me!"

He laughed before he pressed the lock button of his phone. I glared at him and he said, "Aw, Steph... Come on, I'm sorry."


"Aw, I was just showing my appreciation for your love for me."

"By what? Teasing me?" I said and glared at him more. I swear, he can be a big jerk sometimes.

He smiled widely before he pulled the cord of the charger from the wall socket and went on my bed to lie down with me. He was facing me. I turned my back on him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist. "I'm sorry..."

I pretended to be like a stubborn kid during Christmas. "Whatever."

He sighed and removed his arm on my waist. And I admit, I was a bit disappointed... I mean, he already gave up on making me forgive him.

Then he tickled me.

"Dammit, Drake."

"Stop, no!"

"Please! Oh my, God!"


He ended my torture when I said, "Okay, okay, fine. I forgive you. I accept your sorry. Please just stop."

He was on top of me and he smiled his flashy million dollar smile. "Really? I'm forgiven?"

"Yes, so please stop."

He smiled again before he pulled me to him. Just when he was about to kiss me, my alarm clock rang.

"Really?" Drake said.

I laughed and I said, "You have Biology, mister."

He lied down beside me. He sighed deeply and spoke, "Yeah, I like Biology. But I really, really like you more."

"Aww, save the sweet mouth. Go to class."

He faced me and touched my face. I kinda blushed from his touch. He smiled and said, "You're my girlfriend, right?"

"Uhm, I think we cleared that out last night."

"I just can't believe it."

"Well, sorry, Mister. You have to believe it. I actually am your girlfriend now."

He smiled again. And he pulled me closer. He was about to kiss me when his phone rang again, but he just shrugged it off and kissed me. Not with tongues or anything, just a normal kiss. He pulled back and said, "Yep, you are my girlfriend."

I grinned and slapped his chest. "Go to class, Mister."

"Yes, madam."

"Don't call me that. It makes me feel old."

"Even if you're old, I'd still be your boyfriend."

"Save the sweet mouth, hon. Go to class." I said and stood up. He didn't stand up with me. He just sat.

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