Probably the last chapter ngl

532 13 25

Guess who died??? Me!!! I'm alright now tho, so I guess I'll finish this—
Whatever it is.
You can stop reading this now

"Bonni is ded" were words that struck deep within woodys cotton heart,
"Dead??" He exclaimed "who's gonna play with us??"
The Barbie doll, Karen laughed "dude chill out" she said "I was just joking, pulling your string if you will"
"It's leg. Pulling your leg"

Buzz interrupted "so, are we like, all friends now? You're not evil?"
Karen rolled her plastic eyes "no, I guess not, but to be honest I didn't think the story would get this far"
They all looked at the fourth wall, like in the office, judging your decisions, stop reading this you weirdo.

"Well then" woody said, clasping his hands together "I suppose all loose ends are dealt with"
"Oh no they're not, cowboy" buzz said smirking "you have yet to declare any emotions towards me"
Woody blushed and fumbled with his vest "I don't- I don't know what you're referring to"

While they were arguing, binky the booboo bear secretly whispered some things to slinky, he nodded walked off innocently.
"Oh yes you do"
"Buzz if I had known I would have said something? Right? Right"
"Listen woody, I can stand here and argue all day- oh hi slinky"

The dog had walked up to the gays and started running circles around them
"What- what are you doing?" Woody asked, looking down at his legs, which were now getting wrapped with buzz's

But before he could say anything else, slinky had pulled to the side, so the two were forced face to face, noses touching, and if they were to move, they would fall.

"Listen" binky said addressing the toys "I've been listening to woodys ramblings for moNths now"
woodys heart dropped, he was getting exposed, and all buzz could do was smirk egotistically about it. Fuckin creep.
"And all I know is" binky continued "that woody has some very, very conflicted emotions for this man, buzz"

The group of toys that had gathered around gasped slightly, and there were murmurings amongst the crowd, mostly consisting of
"Aren't they both dudes?"
"What about Jessie?"
"Damn I guess I owe you twenty bucks, Carl"
And woody looked down, embarrassed, wishing he could be anywhere but that room.

Karen stepped in "quiet down will ya?" She said "I've got some stupid shit to say now"
the crowd stopped.
"Thank you. Now, as you may all know, I've been trying to get with buzz, I dunno I was bored, ha, but no matter how hard I tried, he always turned me down"

"Can you blame him?" Somebody called from the crowd
"Okay after this character arc I will kill whoever said that" Karen said "but I digress, I had noticed that buzz always had eyes for woody, it was really, really obvious actually. So, with my input in mind, woody, you can go ahead and CoNfeSs yOur feELinGs, and get the story over with, we're all tired here"

The toys went silent with anticipation, watching as woodys eyes connected with buzz's glance. The world seemed to go 10 times slower. Time stopped for the connected souls.

His heart skipped a beat, and his stomach was doing flips, it had already been known for some time, but it was nice to actually get his feelings off his chest.
the cowboy inhaled deeply, taking in the moment of sweet bliss.

Buzz watched woodys mood go from shy to compassionate, as they stared into each other's eyes. He was conflicted with his emotions at first, not knowing what would happen next. These feelings were new and exciting, and he wanted to experience all of them, but as long as he did it with his favourite deputy.

"Buzz, I-" woody started
"I know" buzz replied
Woody smiled, ever so happily and hugged buzz as tight as he could, buzz hugged back, knowing that woody was his, and he was woodys.
The crowd started cheering, jumping and dancing for joy. Carl was now 60 bucks richer than he was before, all was good.

The e.....

...,Enormous door opened, and bonnies mom walked in, flamethrower in hand "honey? I was looking through your fathers flamethrower collection and-"
She stopped dead, at all the toys who were alive. Oh god.
The room went ice cold, and everybody's heart stopped, as bonnies mom stared at them in utter shock. Woody looked over at buzz, his heart was racing, and his eyes screamed in desperation, he quickly grabbed buzz's hand, the space ranger looked back at woody, equally as terrified, and tightened his hand around woodys.
"I love-" buzz started, before being interrupted by a loud, blood curdling scream, emitting from the mother at the doorway.
"DEMON TOYS" she screamed, propping her flamethrower up, and burning all the toys alive.
Woody could feel the plastic on his face melting with a hot pain blasting through his body, he wanted to scream, but his lungs were already engulfed and destroyed by the fire.
All buzz could see was red, then black as his eyes were boiled and melted off of his face, his entire body being made out of plastic started to catch aflame, his buttons went first, then his chest, exposing his mechanical insides.
He screamed and felt woodys hand go limp, he was gone.
The screams of terror from every toy in the room would forever scar him, Entrapped in his mind forever, tormenting him until the end of time.
Being a newer toy, he survived the longest, even after bonnies mom clicked off the flamethrower and ran off screaming her lungs off.
Buzz was on the floor, every part of his body, searing in pain. He couldn't see anything, nor hear anybody
"H ello?" He muttered out, his mouth had been melted, and he could barely speak "hELLO?" He cried out in desperation. All his friends were dead.  Woody was dead. The room smelt strongly of melted plastic and smoke, buzz choked back a sob, and tried not to vomit.
Then, out of the sheer darkness of the void, a small light appeared, glowing brighter with every second.
"Come on home, partner.  To the prairies" said a familiar and calming voice. It was woodys.
"O-okay" buzz said, growing tired, he let himself go, he felt himself walking towards the light, all pain gone, all suffering was forgotten.


Also Bonnie was taken by the pedophile because woody left the fucking window open.
I have nothing against gays, remember this was written for shits and giggles. I am a gay myself, this is a love story between two fuCKING toYs fOr goDs sAke.
That's that

The end.

woOdy X buZZliGhTbEeR [CONCLUDED]Where stories live. Discover now