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Authors note: Sorry for not updating this for a while, I just had to get a break from this book and app in general, my friend is sure enjoying my suffering, because here we are with another chapter after years of her begging
Buzzyboy and the Woodster fell down after hearing the familiar alarm that Bonnie-child, was returning.
The Wouldster was pretty ticked off, he hadn't gotten any alone time with Booze for what felt like ages, he missed Andy, but he missed Buzzer more, even if they were in the same room, or even next to each other, he missed talking to Buzzboob alone. "Geezus how fast can that child eat?" He though as he heard the handle on the door turn slightly, he quickly stopped frowning and put on his best Woodsywoo face before Bonnie-child burst into the room like the Kool aid man.
Several hours later of Bonnie throwing around the toys and coming up with fascinating adventures, it was finally time for her to rest, she laid down her favourite toys on the bed gently  before putting the rest in the toy box, she climbed into the bed and snuggled deep into the blankets, she lightly kissed Buzzers and Wuddie and closed her eyes.
For the sake of the story Woodsta now can't sleep, he tossed and turned, hell, his eyelids felt heavy, but he couldn't sleep, he sighed and sat up, looking over,, he saw Buzzsaw fast asleep, and smiled a goofy smile of pure passion towards the space ranger, but that quickly ended since he knew it was just out of pure bromance, no homoooooooooooooooo


He got up and carefully stepped over Buzzboi with his long ass deputy legs, careful not to wake him up, he had much practice with not waking people up since he was kidnapped by a giant chicken man thing in 1420.  Ah memories.
After successfully not waking up the Buzzlightbeer action figure, he sat on the edge of the bed, he looked up at the window expecting to see the bright moon so he could calm down his thoughts, instead all he saw was the curtains, he frowned, that damn bitch closed the curtains, so what if a old man can see through your window if it isn't closed, this cowboy wanted to see a moon godammit. He sighed again and was about to jump off the bed as if it were the twin towers until he heard the familiar voice of the man who made his heart skip a beat,

Wait that's bad he should see a doctor-
Buttzer felt some long ass deputy legs above him, and he heard footsteps on the beds cover next to him, he opened an eye to see that Woodie had left and was now sitting at the edge of the bed, Bizz was about to get up and join the cowboi until he saw his favourite deputy stand up , doing the T-pose, obviously about to jump. He shot up and walked fast yet calmly towards Wood, "W00dy?" He looked concerned for the cowboo,
Wooyd quickly turned around and was face to face with Burz

woOdy X buZZliGhTbEeR [CONCLUDED]Where stories live. Discover now