Time to d e a d

708 17 18

I- I have been stalling for far too long, actual people are reading this now, and I need to take responsibility as a
a u t h o r
So, I'm going to do actual gay now, and sacrifice my sweet innocent childhood for people who came here for gay.
But if you came for jokes, do nOt freT
I have
J o k e
In here too so hAh
Buzz was annoyed, if he had to make a list of the things that were annoying him, it would be longer than shreks pp. nevertheless the two main things that were really getting under his skin at the moment would be the insufferable Barbie doll who flirted with him constantly (even after he refused about five times), and woody, who hadn't talked to him since their shared moment in the closet.


     They often shared awkward glances and one sided conversations that were mostly made up of embarrassing small talk, but no matter how hard the two toys tried, there was always that odd tension in the air between them, and heck, everybody else felt it too. Obviously something happened between these two former best friends, but nobody had a clue what could have possibly went down. Soon, rumours were spreading, some people believed they got into a fight, others thought that the giant teddy bear was trying to take woody away from the "poor suffering buzz" (because lately, he's been pretty sulky and sad)
And even one person was crazy enough to believe that woody had been abducted by aliens and then replaced again with a lookalike, it was pretty obvious that Bonnie had left quite the influence on somebodies imagination.

    But anyway, buzz was annoyed, especially by the space Barbie who was currently trying to get buzz to go on one date with her.
"C'mon baby~" she said "I bet I can make you change your mind.."
Buzz rolled his eyes "like I've said, I'd rather not"
The Barbie doll then sat on the floor and began to fake-pout, hoping that buzz would perhaps fall victim to her guilt trips.
"But honey-"
"Don't call me that" buzz interrupted, quite annoyed at this point.
"-I just got here.." the Barbie continued, ignoring buzz "I'm brand new-! and I've been so terribly lonely....please..just one itty bitty date?" She stuck out her bottom lip for extra effect.
   Buzz looked down at the plastic figure, he knew this was a trick, but he couldn't help but feeling slightly bad for her.
"Lemme think about it..." buzz sighed. "Alright?"
"Yay!" The Barbie exclaimed, she was making progress.
Buzz shook his head and turned around to see binky the boo boo bear rubbing woodys back and smiling at him.
First came the feeling of confusion, but shortly after came a hot wave of anger, jealousy and yes, annoyance. Buzz had a sudden urge to storm himself over there and give the two a piece of his mind, but instead, he took a deep breath, and decided it was best to confront woody when he was alone, he figured it was now time to tell him how he felt.

This would be hard.

The Morse code on the last chapter translates toooo
I'm wanna commit deathpacito

But I added too many spaces so it looked pretty screwed up skskskskksowks

Send help

woOdy X buZZliGhTbEeR [CONCLUDED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon