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Groaning I lift myself up off of my bed seeing my trashed room. I rub my head in aggravation  trying to remember what happened last night before I had blacked out. 


It was my first time getting high... Thank the Lord my family was on vacation. I would be made into a leather jacket if they saw me like that. I can't believe my so called friends pushed me into that. Bunch of dicks.

Sighing I hop out of my bed and make my way to the living room to make myself a coffee. I drop the pod in and start the Keurig, scrolling through instaglam on my phone liking fan art and and random posts that interests me. I scrolled upon a Rick and Morty post with very detailed backgrounds and the style looked just like the Rick and Morty art style. I hum while liking it. I accidentally tapped it an extra time and see a link. Being the curious person I am, I clicked on it. 

A quiz?

Like from Quoten? Quoten quizzes?

I shrug and continue, reading the title slightly bored 'Are you a Rick or a Morty?' it said in big bold letters. Looking over I see the quiz is pretty long, 20 questions to be exact. Sighing I grab my coffee and put sweetener and creamer in and glance at the clock 5:30 am. Huh. Enough time before I need to go to school.

Running to my room I quickly throw on my school uniform. This uniform sucks, it's not even a real uniform it's just a white button up with black skinny jeans, plus they're MY clothes. Sighing I leave my shirt open revealing my sports wear tank top and, slip my shoes on grabbing my backpack and, making my way back into the living room. I plop back onto the couch and take a sip of my coffee pulling my phone out of my back pocket and looking over that quiz with a bored expression. "Alright. Let's do this."

|°v°| MINI TIME SKIP |°v°|

Alright last question...'whats your favorite color???'. I cringed at the common question but clicked F\C anyway. Sighing I upload the answers and wait for my results... But instead of results the website glitched and closed out from my phone. Well shit. Twenty minutes waisted for nothing. Ah whatever.

Getting up I finish my coffee and sit it down in the sink while slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Off to dumbass hell!" I shout while buttoning up my shirt. Today was a midterm day so we had to go in early to get testing done on time. 

Letting out a sigh, I plug in my earbuds and, walk down the street listening to my favorite song. In boredom I start to walk to the beat, slightly swaying my hips, and humming to the music. I begin to enjoy myself until I hear a car honk and a guy with large gauge earrings hang out of the window, sticking his tongue between his fingers at me. I cringe and, practically vomit my coffee as he continues to drive down the street whooping and, hollerin. Rolling my eyes I continue down the sidewalk kicking a few rocks and, pebbles out of my way. 

I make it to school looking at the sign holding the mascot and name of the school 'rose star high' is what it said in a strange cryptic font. Shaking my head I walked in and went to the library to see what room I was assigned to room 420-69. 'nice' is all I could think to myself. I loved that class. Not just because it's weed day and the nasty, but the teacher in there is awesome. He was a French and history teacher but, the best thing is that he is almost always high. No one really cares and, none of the teachers notice so it's all good and chill.

Sighing I rake my hair back a bit with my hand and make my way to the class room, pulling out my earbuds, and turning off my phone so I wouldn't be interrupted during the test.

I walked up to the large door and nocked on it three times letting the guy know I was here. I hear a bit of shuffling before the door unlocks and swings open revealing Mr.E. "Oh hey what's up girly! Ya ready for the test? I'm sure not." He says giving me a fist bump with a lopsided smile. I smile up at him. "Hell no." I say while walking into the classroom. I dropped my bag at the front of the room, because, ya know... It's the rules. I look for my seat and sit down next to some guy who was wearing a grey hoodie who was bobbing his head to music. I chuckle to myself and lean my head on my hand looking around at the room. 

Portal jumping and lab coats?? | Rick and Morty x readerWhere stories live. Discover now