Cheers to Another friend dying!

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A:N This gonna be short cuz I just want to move on to the next book.

After successfully putting Davina soul into the protected circle away from the Ancestors. Freya has came up with a plan to stop Lucien once and for all so she pulls Elijah to the side.

"I think there's a way to kill Lucien." Freya says. "What is it?" Elijah asks. "As long as Davina's caught between our worlds, I can use her as a conduit to channel power from the Ancestors. The same power that was used to create Lucien. Once I have it, I can make Lucien killable again." Freya says and she then sighs and turns away from Elijah.

"So what's the problem?" Elijah asks sensing something wrong. She turns back to Elijah. "Everything comes with a price. In order to take power from the Ancestors, you have to steal it. Which means, to make Lucien killable, I'll have to draw through Davina, while she's in the Ancestral Well. And to do that, I will have to break the circle that protects her." Freya explains.

"Absolutely not!" Angel says voice raised as she walks through the door onto the balcony. "I've been listening and Freya I told you I was born with Ancestral magic! I could do the spell myself!" Angel says angrily staring Freya down. Freya sighs. "Your right! I forgot but teaching you this spell could take days and we don't have that!" Freya tells Angel.

"Well your not killing Davina! She's 17 years old I was only 17 when life changing decisions were taken from me! I won't let that happen to Davina!" She tells Freya and Elijah. "Maybe you could draw the power from me! It could work!" Angel says making a suggestion. "That could harm your baby who's not even fully developed since you created that spell." Freya reminds her.

Angel glares at Elijah and Freya. "Find another way then!" She demands of them before walking off and leaving them in silence.


Freya, Angel, and Elijah are in Elijah's study, talking about what their next move is.

"They're not answering. And the Strix tell me that Lucien is headed to the bayou. He knows where Rebekah is. We're out of time." Elijah tells them. "I'll stop him Elijah! Just give me your word you'll protect Davina!" Angel begs with both her words and eyes. "I give you my word I'll protect her!" Elijah says staring into her eyes. "Thank you!" She says. Angel looks at a troubled Freya.

"And you! I'll stop him! I can do it!" She tells her before she vamp speeds out of the compound. "You May have given her your word but I didn't! This needs to end now!" She says. "Freya!" He yells. "I don't want to buy if he bites Hayley, Rebekah, and Klaus... that's on us! Angel doesn't know the spell this isn't a spell she can create to defeat him. We end it now!" She tells him. All Elijah does is sigh before nodding.

Down stairs where Davina and Marcel stand they are having a conversation as Angel speeds down a back road heading towards the deepest end of the Bayou.

"What were you supposed to do? Lock me in an attic and keep the world at bay forever? You didn't let me down. I just grew up. Thank you for saving me that first time. And for everything else after. I love you, Marcel." She tells him sincerely with love in her heart. He smiles. "I lov-" he's interrupted by Elijah who rushes into the room and pushes Marcel into a wall.

"Forgive me, Marcel." Elijah says as Marcel tries to break free of Elijah's hold as Freya comes out inciting a spell staring a scared Davina down. She then takes hold of Davina's wrist performing the spell to steal the magic from not only the Ancestors but Angel.

Freya continues on as the room around them shows the dark cemetery in the Ancestors realm. Davina looks on and shakes her head in fear. "No, please. You'll break the circle! Please, please stop this! Don't do this to me! Don't make me go back, please!" She begs as she screams at Freya. She then looks to Marcel and screams his name. "Marcel!" She screams.

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