The Ancestors

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On the New Orleans street Angel walks next to Klaus eyes forward as Haley and Elijah are on the left of him. Klaus looks over at her every few seconds and she just keeps her eyes on Cami's coffin with her arms crossed.


Later Angel is drinking ice tea at Cami's wake at the bar she has a single red rose next to her. she plays around with it for a while until Hayley comes up. "Want a free refill?" Hayley jokes. "We have some finger food if you want some." Hayley offers as she has a platter full of finger food. "I'm good thanks!" Angel says speaking for the first time today.

"Think about your child... eat.. now!" Hayley tells her and with a groan she takes the entire platter and indulges the finger food and surprisingly she likes the taste as she makes a face which Hayley laughs at. Angel stops stuffing her face and looks at her before laughing.

From afar Klaus and Elijah look at the two women they love speak and laugh every now and then in their conversation. "Alright I'm kind of hungry for some red juice so I'm going to head out!" Angel says as she stands from the bar seat and grabs the rose and finishes the rest of her tea. "Stay safe!" Hayley says as she watches her walk towards Cami's coffin. Angel just throws a thumbs up which Hayley smiles to before walking off to carry on with business.

Angel reaches the coffin and touches it carefully before putting the single red rose down. She feels a hand on her shoulder as a body glides by her to put a white rose down. She looks to see its Marcel. "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't show to Davina's funeral! I was going to show later after everyone." She tells him honestly. All he does is nod before squeezing her shoulder once and walking off. She watches as he pushes past Klaus ignoring his existence.

Elijah stands by Klaus as he watches him walk out the door. Angel scoffs as she sees Elijah and then walks off their eyes follow her as she angrily walks out the door.


After the funeral Angel is in her apartment with a large coffee cup full of blood. As she sits down on her chair listening to music. Across from her building Freya and Elijah see the prophecy once more using Lucien's skull to see the visions of what's to come.

Running down the stairs in the compound the siblings speak. "What the hell did I just see?" Elijah asks in concern. "Vincent told me he found a way to extract the serum from Angel, I was busy at the time but if Vincent did steal the serum from Angel... If he.. gave it to Marcel." She says in fear and Elijah nods. "We're in trouble." Elijah says. She nods. "Yeah. Someone needs Angel to get here for I can test her!" Freya says erratically.

"She doesn't want anything to do with the two of us at the moment." Elijah tells Freya. "But we need her! It's life or death!" Freya reminds him. "Call her!" She says.

In Angel's apartment her music is cut off by someone calling her. She looks to see that it's Hayley. "Yes Hayley?" Angel asks. "Look I know your not on the best of terms with Elijah and Freya but they need your help with something! They said that they need you because your suppose to have it!" Hayley tells her.

"Why should I give a shit! And what do I have?" She asks Hayley. "I don't know but they said it's something to do with the prophecy... would you go for me... please?" Hayley asks her nicely. "Fine!" Is all she says before hanging up and walking out of her apartment.

She makes her way into the compound and from a distances she sees Elijah and Freya waiting for her. She walks towards them and stops anger coursing through her veins as she stares at Elijah and Freya. "Your on the clock... what's the problem?" Angel asks with no emotion not really caring for their problems.

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