Hatred for the Mikaelsons 1

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While the Mikaelsons are worried about what happened to Angel after last nights events. Lucien has take her to New Orleans park where she seems quite comfortable and happy with him. The two are slow dancing to soft violin music smiling at each other.

Angel has no control over herself the other version of herself doesn't want to be with Lucien it wants to be with the original family but the one the Ancestors had created, the one who's dancing with Lucien despises the original family and there allies. It's all apart of Luciens plan of having the woman he wants and part of his plan to keep her on his side.

"It's a lovely night don't you think my love?" Lucien asks right before he spins her and catches her in his arms. "Yes it is! A perfect night for a snack! Shall we?" She asks motioning to the violinist who are compelled to say nothing and to only play the violin. "Ladies first." Lucien says before letting go of her hand. He watched as she walks over to the man and stands behind him before shifting and biting into his neck and feeding on him.

Lucien walks over and joins her and feeds on him as well and soon after the man drops dead. Blood is smeared all over their mouths and the two stare at each other's lips before Angel makes the first move and kisses him. He pulls away with a smile.

"Before we get to far I have something for you." He tells her as he pulls out the serum. She's intrigued by the sight of it. "Not that I don't want it but why give me this?" She asks with a smile. "We both share hatred for the Mikaelsons specifically Klaus... you are already stronger than the original family and your bite can't kill them only hurt them.... how would you like a bite that can kill any original you see fit?" Lucien asks her.

She smiles loving the thought of draining Klaus after what he had done to her and her family. "I wold be more faster, stronger, my bite would be even more lethal! Of course I would love for my bite to be more lethal!" She tells him.

He smiles on triumph and hands her the serum. She then becomes serious. "Tomorrow I want you to deliver me Klaus! I have a feeling he'll come looking for you and Aurora even in a life or death situation that man can not walk away from a fight." She tells him.

"If it's him you want it's him you shall have!" He tells her. She smile and then snaps the other violinist by snapping her wrist. "Good! Lets go I need a good nights rest for tomorrow," Angel tells him. The two walk away hand in hand leaving the dead violinist dead and to be found in the morning.


The next day Lucien is fighting Klaus in an ally. Cami is nearby and hears this she quickly puts on her jacket and makes her way towards Klaus screams.

"Where's Angel?" Klaus asks. "Don't worry about her she's perfectly fine living her best life with me! You really let her slip away." Lucien sighs dramatically.

"But now... you're gonna help me get Elijah." Lucien tells Klaus. Klaus out of anger spins on his bottom and kicks Lucien's legs out from under him, causing him to fall off the car as Klaus gets back into a defensive position.

He leaps down onto the pavement and prepares to stab Lucien with Papa Tunde's blade, but Lucien gets up even more quickly and grabs him by the wrist to stop him as Klaus struggles to break his hold. Klaus uses his free hand to give him more strength as he aims the tip of the blade toward Lucien's heart and growls at him.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt my brother." Klaus grunts out. "Sadly, you don't have a choice." Lucien tells him. From the other side Angel comes out and invites a spell that causes Klaus to let go and for Lucien to shove the blade into his chest. Angel walks over to Lucien with a smile and cuddles into him and Klaus sees this as he drops to his knees gasping in pain.

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