Cole and lili ♥️

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Annie's POV : Hayden pulled up into the garden . I got out of the car not saying a world to no one . The boys was going to get them into the house , the rest of us went Inside
Annie : um guys I'll be back ina couple of minutes
Jayden : are you ok anns ?
Annie : yeah I'm just going to talk to Ryder
Kenzie : oh take your time
Annie's POV : I nod
Dylan : we're gonna wait in the living room
Annie : ok I'll see y'all ina couple of minutes
Annie's POV : I go up to the spare room where Ryder was staying last night . I knock on the door
Ryder : come in
Annie's POV : I opened his door and he turned to look at me
Ryder : hey mom
Annie : hey , how you been holding up
Ryder : the same as when you last saw me 😂
Annie : well at least your not worse 😂
Ryder : fair enough
Annie : well I wanted to check in just by myself
Ryder : you and dad check in on me Morning , noon and night . This is a new time now
Annie : this is the only time I'm going to get today , I wanted to see if you want to talk to me about anything ?
Ryder's pov : yes mom there's so many thing I want to tell you , but your always with dad , Ella , Pixie and Leo . I need to tell you millions of things that have been on my mind but I never want you to be disappointed in me so for now I'll keep them to myself
Ryder : no I'm goo for now mom
Annie : well if you ever want me you know where to find me
Ryder : thanks mom
Annies pov : I kiss his forehead
Annie : well we've got Cole and Lili if you want to -
Ryder : I'm not in the right state of mind mom or physically able to do anything about them
Annie : are you sure ?
Ryder : I'm positive , ima head home to Asia and Ezra
Annie : do you need a ride , I can get someone to bring you home ?
Ryder : no thank you it's fine I've called an Uber it will be here in no time
Annie : okay I'll ring you tonight
Annie's POV : I leave him , I go to the basement where everyone else was
Riley's pov : Annie walked down the steps meeting us at the bottom
Annie's POV : I walk to the middle of the room where the both of them were sitting
Annie : well this is funny dont ye think ?
Hayden's POV : I still to this day find it hard to believe Annie wouldn't kill a fly before she joined this gang . I mean that literally , she's changed a lot .
Carson : Anns Calm -
Annie : don't tell me to calm down they nearly kilt my son
Cole : your son kilt our son
Lili : you really didn't think he was just going to get away with it did you ?
Annie : He owed him money
Rush : didn't you teach him if he doesn't pay up , there's consequences
Johnny : life or Death consequences
Caden : well I'm guessing he knows that now , right ?
Kenzie : you know since he's dead ?
Cole : you ducking bitch
Johnny's pov : I punch him in the nose , grab him by his hair and make him look at me
Jonny : I'm going to tell you one and once only so listen very carefully
Coles pov : I stare at him
Jonny : if you ever talk to her like that again I'll shot you straight away without hesitation and I won't miss . I've got experience more then I can say about you
Annie's POV : I stand I'm front of him
Annie : you didn't think you were going to get caught did you ? You thought you were going to get away with all this , our blood dead and we weren't going to do anything about it
Lili : that was the plan you physco bitch
Hayden : I'm not going to hit you but shut you god dam mouth , if you don't I'll shut it for you
Annie : I'm not a physco , what I am is a gang leader
Annie's POV : I got the gun and held it to her forehead , tears fell from her eyes . She tried not to sho us she was crying
Hayden's POV : I was worried the way Annie was acting I mean she was really angry I was actually scared for the other people in the room
Annie : you know this is how Ryder felt when you held the gun to his head , not the best feeling in the world is it . I hope you both rot in hell , because that's where your going to be going by the time I'm finished with you both
Annie's POV : I go to pull the trigger when someone grabs my wrist
Hayden : don't pull that trigger
Annie : are you feeling ok ?
Hayden's POV : I take the gun from her hand and drag her up the stairs away from the others . I got her through the door and closed it behind me
Hayden : I'll tell you if you stop shouting at me
Annie's POV : I death stare him
Hayden : they will be dead by the end of the day , because there definitely not getting away with what they did
Annie : why can't I do it I want to kill them both he's my son
Hayden : Ready my lips ... your not killing them don't you think in the last 3 years you've kilt enough people without adding to it ?
Annie : what makes you much better , your well worse then me
Hayden : I am not
Annie : don't even try it , I'm sure I don't know half the people that you shot
Hayden : to dojt trust me do you ?
Annie : are we really going to have this conversation ?
Hayden's POV : I stare at her , I wasn't going any where until I get my answer
Annie : of course I trust you if I didn't don't you think ide be somewhere else doing god knows what ?
Hayden : that's true , now go do anything else but that
Annie : what am I ment to do all my friends are down there ?
Hayden : well didn't you say Gracie told you to come visit when ever you had the chance ?
Annie's POV : he was right that was 4 months ago even longer then that and I hadn't went to see her yet
Annie : ok but don't think I'm doing that because you told me to
Hayden : the thing is you just are though
Annie : do you want me to go or not ?
Hayden : goodbye princes
Annie's POV : I smile , he kisses my lips I kiss back . I watch as he goes back down the statues to the basement . I go to find the kids . The older ones was watching them
Ella : mommy
Pixie : wanna play with us ?
Annie : do you girls wanna go out ?
Ella : do we have to we're paying with everyone
Annie : o of course not y'all can stay here with everyone and play
Paxton : I'll keep an eye on them
Annie : I'm sure you will 😂
Annie's POV : I nod at tag since he's the oldest and is the one who's watching everyone . He doesn't live here all the time any more . He's part of Ryder's gang but he doesn't stay there Permanent  either he likes to come home . He's minding  the girls but I'm taking Leo with me .
Annie : I'll be back soon guys I'm taking Leo with me for some fresh air
Ella : ok bye I love you lots mommy
Pixie : I love you 100s mommy
Annie's POV : I kiss them on the forehead
Annie : not as much as I love you both
Annie's POV : they both giggled and went back to playing in the pool with everyone else

Annie leaves to go to Gracie's . She put Leo in the stroller and went on her  heading for Gracie's house .

Thanks for watching ♥️
Word counted : 1563 words ♥️
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Heya y'all I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this I was on vacation and never got to update as I didn't have enough time the night that I left for the airport ♥️ all my exams are done ✅ no more till End of the year  and I've no more vacations till summer which I'm sad about 😢 can't wait to make more chapters hope you enjoyed goodnight ♥️

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