My wounds ♥️

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Annie's POV : I woke up , but it was still during the night . I wasent in bed anymore . I was in a pitch black room . There was no one around me . What the hell was going on . I sat on a cold damp floor , I'm my bra and knickers . Did he know what my plan was all along , did he go along with it ?
Annie : HELP

with Hayden and the others

Hayden : her phone is turned of , how are we ment to find her ?
Mads : what about his house , I'm sure he still lives in the same place
Rush : he lives not to far from here , we could -
There was a knock on the office door
Hayden : I'm busy ( shouts )
Security: sir this will only take a second
Hayden : hurry up
Security's pov : I open the door to his office
Security : mr summerall , you have 2 people here to see you
Hayden : like I said I'm -
Joshs pov : I walk out from behind the security guard
Josh : Hayden this is important -
Hayden : what the hell did you do with my wife ( shouts )
Carson's POV : I stand up and go over to josh
Josh : long time no see Carson
Carson's POV : I smile
Carson : to long
They do a hand shake or whatever you wanna call it 😂
Lauren : I'm confused 🤷‍♀️
Johnny : isn't he part of Jadens little gang ?
Rush : we saw him last night
Carson : let's just say me and josh go way back
Hayden : how far is way back ?
Josh : we're cousins
Hayden : your cousins ?
Carson : yep
Mads : why didn't -
Josh : it's called been undercover
Dylan : what about your girlfriend?
Nessas pov : I smile and wave
Nessa : I'm just gonna be doing whatever he dose so ... ye ?
Kenzie : so all this time you've been watching what Jaden dose ?
Josh : yep I have , Annie's safe for now -
Hayden : what do you mean for now ?
Josh : he knew all about your little plan , he didn't even tell us about Annie until she walked over to the table last night
Caden : doesn't Annie remember you ?
Josh : nah , I changed my second name when I ran away years ago
Tayson : running away must run in the family then
They all laugh
Hayden : so she didn't even know that it was you when she was with you for the while night ?
Josh : nah , I've seen Carson a lot since I left , well we did loose contact couple years back . But with Annie nah haven't seen her since she was a lot smaller
Hayden : can you take us to her ?
Nessa : yep , but y'all better be careful . He always gotta gun
They all nod and get ready to leave

With Annie
Annie's POV : I was shivering, it was so so cold . How did he know what the plan was , I don't understand? My eyes were blinded by light . The humongous door that was in front of me open , the light revealed Jaden , grinning at the sight of me .
Jaden : well well well look who finally decided to wake up
Annie : what the hell do you want Jaden
Jadens pov :I slap her across the face
Jaden : don't you ever talk to me like that understand
Annie's POV : I nod
Jaden : you thought you were so clever didn't you ?
Annie's POV : I shake my head
Annie : I dunno what your talking about
Jaden : you think your funny , Annie Leblanc . It's weird that you have the same last name as Carson
Annie's POV : SHIT
Jaden : I'm presuming, you came after me over Mads ?
Annie : what do you want with me , why am I being held here
Jaden : your just the bait , you see Annie why would they ever come here unless they ended something very precious
Annie's POV : I shake my head
Annie : your mad 😠
Jaden : oh princess I'm not mad , I'm just getting started
Annie : you drugged my drink you ass whole
Jadens pov : I walk closer to her and slap her face , once again
Jaden :Annie now I'm a fair Pearson , I don't believe in hitting you but if you open your mouth one more time I'll kill you
Annie's POV : I nod
Jaden : I dunno how dumb y'all think I am but I'm not that dumb , believe me .
Jadens pov : I But her over the head with a hockey stick
Annie's POV : every thing went black

With Hayden
Hayden's POV : we were all on our way to Jadens hideout . That came as a shock to me that josh was Annie and Carson's cousin
Josh : we're about 5 minutes away
Hayden : got it

The day that changed everything ♥️Where stories live. Discover now