Gone ♥️

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Annie : are you gonna tell me or -
Hayden : Ryder is 13 on Saturday right ?
Annie : yep what about it ?
Hayden : today is Thursday, he has to become part of -
Annie : oh no he doesn't you have to be kidding me Hayden
Hayden : I'm not Annie , if y'all are gonna stay this happens on everyone's 13th birthday
Annie : there's no way out of this ?
Hayden : no .... I'm sorry
Annie : what can you do at the end of the day , he'll be happy in any way
Hayden : what ?
Annie : Hayden summerall his super hero he hears so much about everyday , since your all over the news , I was told he wanted to be like you about 2 weeks ago
Hayden : good news then 😂
Annie : um yeah I guess it is 😂
Annie's POV : I still can't believe my dad would have to die three days before he had to become part of a gang that's typical
Hayden : we have to go to the hospital, Carson texted me
Annie : why ?
Hayden. : your dad left something for you and Carson
Annie : why do we have to get it can't they mail it to the house of something
Hayden : princess you can complain all you want but your going to that hospital, then you never have to go back
Annie : that's not true
Hayden : what ?
Annie : I'm 100% sure I'll have to go back to that hospital in my life time
Hayden's POV : I sake my head and laugh at her comment .

They drive to the hospital , Annie and Hayden to the the reception desk
Receptionist: how many I help you today ?
Annie : I'm here to collect something my father left me
Receptionist: ah your Juliana Grace Leblanc ?
Annie : ye you can call me Annie
Receptionist: alright Annie.  Here's a box full of his stuff and he said that there was stuff left for his family
Annie : he think I'm gonna know what's for who ?
Receptionist: there's names on them
Annie's POV : I nod my head and walk back out to the car , Hayden follow behind me
Hayden : you ok ?
Annie : um yeah I'm fine thanks
Hayden : wanna go back to your dads or the hide out ?
Annie : um hide out hay
Hayden : ok let's  go then
Hayden pov : I pulled out of the car park and drive home . Annie never talked the whole way home . She  sat there in silence staring at the box .

When they got home
Carson : hey
Annie : hi
Carson's POV : I hug her , Annie is so good at keeping everything bottled up inside her , but I know she's upset . She may of hated our dad but she still had a soft spot for him . An ever so slight soft spot that may be .
Carson : you ok ?
Annie : I guess I am
Carson : it's gonna be ok , is that what he left ?
Annie's POV : I nod my head , I place the box on the ground and open it up
Annie : here this has your name on it so it's for you
Annie's POV : everyone was crowed around us . I put the lid on the box and carried it upstairs . When I got to the room I slammed the door .
Ryder's pov : I went to go up to my mom but someone stopped me
Hayden : why don't you , come with me
Ryder : but mom -
Hayden : we need to have a chat , about what we're all going to be doing on your birthday
Ryder : can't it wait I -
Hayden : Ryder my office , let's go
Ryder : dad -
Hayden's POV : I look at him with my serious face
Ryder's pov :I look at my dad , I don't wanna get on the dad side of him . I heard he can be quit the gangster , when he wants to be . I listened to him and walked to him office

With Annie :
Annie's POV : I gave Carson what dad had left him . I was curious to see what he had left me so I opened it up . I had a box and a letter . I read the letter first .

Billy's letter to Annie :
Dear Annie ,
                        If your reading this I must of just passed away . I'm not sure if you'll be happy that I'm gone , or sad that I'm gone and you'll never have to see me again . If I was you I would be happy . In anyways Annie thank you so much for coming to see me while I was sick . When I was taking into hospital, the first thing I got them to do was find you . I haven't seen you since the day you left for the park , you never came home . The house was so lonely without everyone . I'm so glad you came , Ryder is a credit to you and I'm proud of you for raising him on your own , do me a favor and try you best to let Hayden into his life . You know you can be a little stubborn at times , we all can . He is his dad at the end of the day no matter what . I don't know if you want to talk to your moths but if she does turn up to the funeral I left her nothing . Make sure you tell her that . Annie's POV :I giggle at that comment Annie i don't know how many more times I'll have to say sorry for what I have done to you . It was horrible and as a teenager you should never of had to go through that . Hate me your whole life , of you wish . But please know I'll always love you . There is a letter for Hayley please got to her grave and read it for me . I would do it myself but we'll ye know . Well don't know what else to say except take care of yourself , take care of Ryder and try move back go,s it's where you belong. This is your dad sinning of  for the last time , I love you with all ,y heart . Lots of love your dad billy Leblanc .

End of letter
Annie's POV : tears fall from my eyes as I read the letter , yes I may have hated hi, but I still loved him . He's still my dad . I still had the box that he left for me to open . I was about to open the box when I saw another box labeled Hayley . I jumped when I saw it , why would he leave her a box , when she's ....gone . I take the small box and decide he wants her to get this box and that's what I'm gonna do . I change

Annie's outfit :

Annie's POV : I look like I've been in a street gang for years

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Annie's POV : I look like I've been in a street gang for years . This is the most open outfit. I've worn since I've left here . I love it . Annie's boots have heals on them we're gonna pretend . If I'm gonna leave here , be safe I need a gun . I run to the closet and go tot the spot I found the gun years ago , he put it back in the same place . I was loaded I put it in my purse and climbed down the tree so no one would see me .

With Hayden and Ryder :
Hayden : so your about to be 13
Ryder : yep
Hayden : well you have something important coming up
Ryder : what is it ?
Hayden : you want to be like me I was told ?
Ryder: even before I knew you were my dad I wanted to be like you ...ye so ?
Hayden : Ryder you have got gangster blood running through your vains
Ryder : wait does that mean -
Hayden : yep your gonna be a gangster
Ryder : when ?
Hayden : that's what I was getting to .... on your birthday-
Ryder : that's only a few days away
Hayden : I'm awake , y'all came back just in time
Ryder : cool
Hayden : oh it's very cool , your gonna be a real gangster, do all the real stuff
Ryder : are you gonna be with me ?
Hayden : you will have a sermon on your birthday , then a huge party with lots and I mean lots of people
Ryder : do I know any of them ?
Hayden : well everyone that lives here will be there , and all my family
Ryder : your family ?
Hayden : my mom and dad are the king and queen of gangsters , there retirement is coming up soon
Ryder : doesn't that make you king ?
Hayden : by law it should be my brother , your uncle Dylan and his wife Brec queen
Ryder : so your not going to be the king ?
Hayden : oh I will be the king see I didn't leave like Dylan and Brec did
Ryder : but who's going to be your queen ?
Hayden : I wouldn't have anyone only your mom
Ryder : me and mom left like um ....
Hayden : Dylan and Brec ?
Ryder : right ..   ye ... then
Hayden : I stayed tho which means we're going to be the top family
Ryder : does mom know ?
Hayden : no she does not , but she'll be fine with it -
Ryder : you mean my mom , the stubborn Juliana Grace Leblanc ?
Hayden : that's the Pearson yep 😂
Ryder's pov : I stand up and go to walk out
Ryder : good luck , your gonna need it dad
Hayden : I get what I want son , your a summerall now so do you and never forget that
Ryder's pov : my hand was on the handle of the door , I bearly looked over my shoulder I walked out after he said that .

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