My Queen ♥️

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Annie's POV : me and Hayden walked through the office doors . It's was a cold horrible room . It gave me the creeps . I wanted to get home as fast as I could .
Tisha : so Annie what made you come ... home ?
Annie : my dad passed , the funeral is tomorrow I had to come and pay my respects
Jimmy : sorry for your loss
Annie's POV : I smile at him , just a little one
Tisha : we're gonna get right to the point , Ryder is of age -
Hayden : the day after tomorrow is his birthday
Jimmy : there for he has became of age to be welcomed into the family business
Hayden : yep we're aware
Tisha : Annie how do you feel about this ?
Annie POV : trick question, would she really like me to tell her that ide like my son to have a normal life not one that's tied up with guns , money , drugs and gangs .
Annie : It's in his blood isint it ?
Tishas pov : I smile ( sarcastically) I pour a glass of rum one for me , jimmy , Hayden and as I go to our a fourth glass she stops me
Annie : none for me thanks mrs summerall
Tisha : if I remember correctly you loved this rum the last time we had it m when you were still around what's changed ?
Annie : I'm not much of a drinker ( stuttering)
Tishas pov : she's lying about that's for sure
Hayden : we also have something else to tell you
Jimmy :are what's that ?
Hayden : I'm taking you up on your retirement
Tisha : there's just one prob-
Hayden : it's all sorted out ,  there no problems mom
Tisha : you haven't got a wife to run beside you
Hayden's POV : I look at Annie , then back to my parents
Tisha : your kidding me ?
Annie's POV : I stand up
Annie : and what's that supposed to mean Tisha ?
Tisha : it means that's your to weak to be a gang queen
Annie : if I wasent preg.... never mind but believe you me I'll rip you over that table without thinking about it
Tishas pov : I caught the first half of that'
Tisha : did you just say you were pregnant?
Annie : no I said I'll rio you over that table , you think I'm to weak well I find that funny
Tisha : what have you ever done to prove your worth here ?
Annie : you know Asher Angle right ?
Jimmys pov : we nod out heads
Jimmy : how dosmet we want him dead , he's something else why ?
Annie's POV : I laugh at them
Annie : and after all these years y'all never decided to get a gun because god know y'all have  a lot of them
Hayden : Annie calm down and let's talk
Annie : or are you the king and the queen to week to pull a trigger on some stupid gang leader who thinks there better then everyone ?
Tisha : we don't kill it's not worth our while , let them live out there worthless lives , where is Asher ?
Annie : lying dead ( nods here head ) somewhere in a hole
Tishas pov : my eyes widen
Jimmy : you killed Asher Angle  ?
Annie : yeah , yeah I did you won't be hearing from him ever agin , or his gang there scared shit less
Tishas pov : she actually killed someone , maybe she's more up to scratch then we thought. I won't be letting her know that I think that though
Tisha : seems you have yourself -
Annie : I believe  the words your looking for is Sorry Annie you have yourself sorted out and your highly capable of running a gang with our son am I right ?
Tishas pov :oh she's good maybe I under estimates her
Tisha : yep somewhat close to them
Annie's POV : I smile at her ( sarcasm)
Jimmy : so when are you planning on the move then ?
Hayden : as soon as possible , when y'all are ready to leave
Tisha : that's up to you when you want to live here
Jimmy : this will be all yourse and we will be living where y'all are living now
Hayden : well as soon as you can leave , we will all move in
Tisha : well Tuesday is Ryder's party , how about then ?
Hayden : perfect , I'll get everything sorted out when we get home
Tisha : Annie congratulations
Annie : on what ?
Tisha : your pregnant aren't you ?
Annie's POV : so she picked up on what I said earlier , I look at Hayden
Hayden : don't look at me it's up to you Ann's
Annie : yep I'm pregnant
Tisha : congrats we're very happy for you both
Jimmy : well you will have the comfort of your own mansion ina couple days
Hayden : thank you we're very great full
Tisha : we only have to ask y'all about one more thing
Annie : which is ?
Tisha : Ryder
Annie : ok what's wrong ?
Tisha : as you know he will be invloded in -
Annie : drugs , money , guns and gangs ?
Jimmy : em -
Annie : don't think I'm dumb I know what goes on around here , if he gets killed I swear to god I'll kill you both
Hayden's POV : she knew how to stick up for herself that's for sure
Hayden : he'll be fine , I'll teach him my ways
Annie's POV : I look at all three of them
Annie : your ways ?
Hayden : ye ?
Annie : well this should be good
Annie's POV : I stand up and open the door
Annie : it was nice seeing you both , I've a funeral to prepare for so if y'all don't mind I'll be heading back
Tisha : thank you for coming ( sarcasm )
Annie : believe you me it was not my pleasure ( closes the door )

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