After math ♥️

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Charles : you physco -
Annie : are you really gonna finish that sentence?
Charles pov : I stay silent
Annie : let me clear this up for every single one of you . If you come near this hour again I swear to god ( Annie walks over to divinity and rubs the gun towards her forehead ) I will blow your brains out . If you go near any of our kids anymore ( Annie walks over to Charles ) I will blow your times little nuts off , there won't be no more sec with 100s of girls each week will there ?
Charles pov : I stay quiet
Annie : I'm talking to you answer me now
Charles : um no
Annie : like I thought now the eight of you get out of this house and never come back here agin , oh Addison touch that baby Again and you'll be in a grave within 20 minutes
They all leave
Hayden's POV : we all stood shocked at Annie . How knew she would actually kill someone .
Hayden : Annie -
Annie : let me guess you wanna have a little talk ?
Hayden : yep 😂
Annie : ok let's go then , oh we gotta Clean ( Annie point to Asher angle dead on the floor ) this mess up
Joey : don't worry about it , nothing we haven't had to clean before 😂
Annie : thanks 😂
Annie's POV : I put the gun in my skirt pocket , I followed Hayden to his office . I went into the office closed the door and sat on the table in front of his chair .
Hayden : I really don't know what to do right now
Annie : I do
Hayden : and what is that exactly?
Annie : we should be celebrating
Hayden : what starting trouble
Annie's POV : I tilt my head and look at Hayden
Annie : your kidding me right ?
Hayden's POV : I put my hand on her leg and rub it
Hayden :of course I am . Annie I'm proud of you
Annie : you know I never did think , when I was younger that someone would be proud of me for killing another Pearson . Life's kinda weird
Hayden : we have to talk about another matter
Annie : which is ?
Hayden : Annie my mom and dad , well you see there retiring pretty soon
Annie : how soon is soon ?
Hayden : 2 weeks from now
Annie : ok and what does that mean ?
Hayden : it means I'm going to be head of the gangs
Annie's POV : my eyes widen
Annie : which makes you ..... king ?
Hayden : yep
Annie : what about Dylan and Brec ?
Hayden : long story shirt he lost his place when they both left and took the kid
Annie : ok now why do I need to know all of this ?
Hayden : well since Ryder's ceremonie is taking place in just a couple days ?
Annie : yep I'm aware of it
Hayden : well your gonna have one and so am I
Annie : you I understand but why me ?
Hayden : well you see I want you to be my queen , and when it is time for us to retire Ryder will take over for us
Annie :Hayden I'm not even a gangster
Hayden :princess I beg to differ , you just shit someone and years ago when the girls were held hostage you came to there rescue
Annie : I don't -
Hayden :Annie your going to be fine , you were born a hamster weather you know it or now
Annie : I don't think your mom is going to be happy when she finds out I'm going to be the queen , not to mention the Pearson who TOOK your kid away from you
Hayden : oh yeah that's another thing my mom wants to see you soon
Annie's POV : I roll  my eyes
Annie : if we're being honest I hate your mom more then your dad
Hayden : Annie there not that bad , if you get to know them
Annie : oh I three they were having none of it . All they were concerned about was , if that was a girl of a boy . Well hip hip horay they got what they wanted didn't they ?
Hayden : Annie come on , they just thought at the time that a boy would be a great-
Annie : and what is it had of been a girl -
Hayden : what do you mean ?
Annie : if I had of had a girl , I was awake in the hospital that day when y'all were talking . They said they only wanted a boy and glad it was a boy .
Hayden's POV : I just look at Annie
Hayden : well we're going to see them I'm the morning
Annie : you mean  going to see them in the morning not -
Hayden : oh Annie ....your going
Annie's POV : I push his hand away from my thigh and hop of his desk
Annie :oh Hayden .... I'm not ( mocking him )
Hayden's POV : she walks out and slams the door behind her
Annie's POV : I went to our room , I can't believe I have to see his parents . Like come on he knows I hate them but maybe I was a little to fired up . I mean he could of told me a little sooner . I'm just so pissed of and worried about everything that has went on tonight . He tells me tonight of all nights . I just sweat pants and a lace bralet on . I sit on the bed and turn Netflix on .
Hayden's POV : I wait a few minutes to let Annie cool of . I follow her upstairs. I went to our room she was watching Netflix.
Hayden : are you ready to talk
Annie's POV : I get the remote and turn the tv of
Annie : if you are so am I
Hayden : ok then , it won't be for a long time it's just gonna be for an hour anns that's all
Annie : if I go .... and I'm not saying I am -
Hayden : I already told you that you've gotta go weather you like it or not , for Ryder's sake
Annie : don't pull that card on me for Ryder's sake ( mocking him )
Hayden : it's true tho
Annie : your moms not gonna like this , not one bit is she gonna like it
Hayden : well she has no choice in the matter anns
Annie : this is everything I was avoiding ( mumbles )
Hayden : avoided but it came right back to bite you in that ever so beautiful ass
Annie's POV : my head snaps to him
Annie : really ?
Hayden : hey we're being honest here
Annie : no no no no no your being honest here 😂
Hayden : mmmmhhhh
Annie's POV : I laugh at him
Hayden's POV : I sit on the bed and pull her to my lap . We started to make out. I tugged at her shirt ......
y'all know what happens next

Down stairs with the others

Carson : I still can't believe she did that
Joey : well believe it she's fired up
Mads : Juliana Grace Leblanc can take care of herself that's for sure
Riley : well we have one less Pearson to worry about
Emily : yeah , I don't think any of them will be coming back any time soon
Rush : they wouldn't dare come here
Indiana : there mental the whole lot of them , when I was in that gang I was scared to death of every single on of them
Jayden : you made the right decision to come to this gang , that's for sure
Indiana : all thanks to you
Jayden's pov : I smile at Indiana
Caden : where will we put the body ?
Tayson : we can bring it up to the mountain and burry it there , no one will find it
Armani : we can all go , if we get the body out of here we just gotta clean all this up
Lauren : the girls and I will get all that of the floor
Kenzie : y'all might wanna bring Hayden with you
Johnny : I think they might be a little busy ... don't you 😂
Dylan : well I think getting a body out of here if well more important then there makeup sex ... don't you ( mocking Johnny )
Johnny's pov : I look down at Asher
Caden : we just gotta get it out of here and cleaned up before the kids come down
Matt : it will be done don't worry , get him into the car
Carson : then when we're ready to go we can go get Hayden
They all nod
Rush pov : we rap Asher up in the carpet from under the coffee table , in the living room . We tie string around it so he dosent fall out and leave blood on the ground outside the house . We get him into the car
15 minutes later
Carson : we gotta go get Hayden
Joey : not it , I'm not walking in on anything I don't need to
Carson : I can't go she's my LITTLE sister
Mads : He's my LITTLE brother
Riley : He's also my LITTLE brother
Caden : I'll -
Lauren : it's fine I'll go get home just wait outside for them ok
All the boys : yes
Lauren's pov : I go upstairs, I mean there up here a good while . It was silent . I knocked on the door

Annie's POV : me and Hayden pull away
Hayden : you have got to be kidding me ( whines )
Annie : yes ( out of breath )
Hayden's POV : Annie gets of me and sits in the other side of the bed , she covers herself with covers
Lauren's pov : i open the door
Lauren : rap up what ever y'all are going
Hayden : why ?
Lauren : you and the rest of the guys have a body to get rid of
Annie : go Hayden
Hayden : but -
Annie : go now Hayden
Annie's POV : I kiss him on the lips
Lauren : that's my que to leave
Annie's POV : I pull away and laugh at her
Lauren leave
Hayden gets up gets and he gets dressed
Hayden : I'll be back as soon as possible okay
Annie : what ever you say 😂
Hayden's POV : I kiss her she pushes me away
Hayden : um what was that for ?
Annie : go get rid of a body gangster boy 😂
Hayden's POV : I laugh at Annie's comment , I meet the boys on the car outside

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Words counted in this story : 1710 words counted in this chapter ♥️
Ps : I'm trying to make all the chapters longer ♥️

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