Bang ♥️

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Hayden's POV : we got to the hospital. They took Annie into a room , I don't know what's going on right now . I've been waiting 4 hours and there's still no news . My phone started ringing so I decided to answer .

Hayden's phone call

Johnny : we have him
Hayden : good
Johnny : what do you want us to do with him ?
Hayden : what ever you want once y'all don't kill him
Johnny : um -
Hayden : I'm going to kill him he won't live to see the next week and that's a promise
Johnny : the girls are on there way up
Hayden : where's Ryder ?
Johnny :he's gone with them
Hayden : who has the girls and Leo ?
Johnny : we do there up stairs with the others
Hayden : thank you
Johnny : no bother talk soon
Hayden : yeah

End of call

Doctor : Anyone here for Annie Summerall?
Hayden's POV : when I heard her name been called I let out a sigh of relief . I run up to the doctor
Doctor : are you here for Annie summerall
Hayden : yes , can I see her ?
Doctor : you can see her , but she's not awake
Hayden : what ?
Doctor : we have her on antibiotics, she's in a lot of pain it's better she rests
Hayden : do you know when she will be able to come home ?
Doctor : if she recovers well it will be very soon , for now we're going to keep her here under observation

Hayden's POV : I caugh everything he said and went into Annie . The last time I seen her in a hopital bed was when she got shot and found out she was pregnant on Ryder . Well except all the times she was pregnant, partly my fault 😂 I sit down beside her . I take her hand
Hayden :Annie I know that you can hear me , I know you can't say anything but it's ok please just make sure you hear the next couple sentences I'm gonna say .
Annie's POV : he was right  I couldn't say anything to him , but I could hear him . I was In so much pain , I felt everything I'm going to kill jayden Hossler when I get out of here .
Hayden : Annie I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you , it's all my fault I encouraged you to keep going with our big plan and we all wanted to make sure he didn't get hold of Luke. I'm going to kill him , he ran when he shot you the boys got him he was trying to leave the state . He won't live to see another week I promise you , when I leave here ina while he's dead . And I'll make sure to enjoy every minute of it
Annie's POV :i wanted to kill him , he did this to me . Hayden shouldn't have to do it for me . I'm very capable of doing it myself , he knows that .
Hayden's POV : I was sitting with Annie when the door opened
Indiana : hey , we came to see how y'all are getting on
Mads : how's she holding up
Hayden : she should be ok
Kenzie : he's gonna pay for what he did to her
Hayden : you better believe it Kenz .... you better believe it
Jaden : she looks like she can't fell anything
Hayden : they have her on medication so it's ment to be numbing her body
Dylan : thank god for that
Hayden's POV :I didn't let go of Annie hand while I was talking to everyone . I felt her hand tighten
Hayden : Annie ?
Annie's POV : my eyes stared to open
Annie : I......m...y....I'm.....s...o......s....o...r....r...y ( tears comes from her eyes
Hayden : what are you sorry for
Annie : I......le...t....h...Im.....i.....don...t.....k..n...ow ( tears )
Hayden's pov : all the other left us alone
Hayden : Annie you have nothing to be sorry for , you've done nothing wrong
Annie's POV : I skate my head
Hayden : Annie I promise you he's not going to get away with this , understand me ?
Annie : I .....wa...nt ......kill him
Hayden spot : I widened my eyes
Annie : I
Hayden's POV : I rub her forehead
Hayden : your not even fit to talk probably yet promises
Annies pov : I smile at him
Annie : I ....l...o....v...e y...o...u
Hayden : I love you to princess , I'll be back soon you have another visitor for now
Annie : will ...y...ou back
Hayden : of course I will , really soon ok ?
Annie's POV :I smile at him
Hayden's POV : we kiss and I leave

1 hour  later

Annie's POV : no one had came after Hayden left I was still waiting. What the hell were they all doing like I can't stand to be in here much long . I was connected to all these machines, one putting blood into me the other was putting pain killer into me . Ide honestly had neigh I just wanted to get home , I hate hospitals . No one was here to stop me from leaving since no one bothered coming . I pulled all the wires out of my arm , I dragged my legs across to the side of the bed . I sat on the side of the bed , I needed my cloths where the hell were they . I don't even remember what happened
It's mostly a blur . There was a bag at the door , it wasn't my bag . I opened the bag in anyway and found my coyhs in it . Someone must have left them from me . I changed , I mean if I left the hospital in a hospital gown ide kinda stick out to them like a sore thumb .

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