The hosptial 💜

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Hayden's POV : Annie got into the car and she put her hand on her stomach , I started driving
Hayden : um how far are u ?
Annie : em about 20 weeks
Hayden : so you've have a scan ?
Annie : ye
Hayden : Annie you don't have to go ahead with it if you don't want to
Annie : it's to late , it's paid for and I already went to the first appointment half of the process is done
Hayden : why would your dad make you get rid of your kid
Annie : I don't know , that's why I never told him he found the test and freaked out , I got the test back and kept it , it will always be my first child no matter what .
Hayden : I'm so sorry for what happened at the park , I'm sure I seem like a jerk
Annie's POV : I look up at him
Annie : Hayden your not a jerk , you've gave me more attention in the last 24hrs then I've gotten in the last 11 months and I'm very thankful , you can be the sweetest person Ever when you would like to be ,
Hayden's POV : we kidnapped her why is she so sweet after what happened
Hayden : thanks Annie that's nice of you , I want you to know that I'm here if you need to talk , but don't tell anyone about me being sweet , soft and sensitive 😂 I'm suppose to be a hard man 😂
Annie : cross my heart hope to die 😂
They arrive at the hospital , they walked in in silence

Receptionist: hello , name please ?
Annie: Annie Leblanc
Receptionist: em we have a Juliana Grace Leblanc is that you miss ?
Hayden's POV : her name is beautiful, I won't why she changed it
Annie : yeah but you can just call me Annie , thanks
Receptionist: okay you can go on through the doctors are ready for you
Annie's POV : I turn to Hayden
Annie : you can wait here I mean it's not gonna be the most pleasant thing
Hayden's POV : I take her hand and look in her eyes
Hayden : hey I came here with you and I'll go with you I'll be by your side holding your hand every step of the way
Annie : thanks 😢
They go to the next room to the doctors
Doctor : hello Juliana
Annie : hey , would u mind calling me Annie please
Doctor : yes I will
Annie : thank you
Doctor : now Annie , this is the second phase of the treatment are you sure this is what you want
Annie's POV : is he crazy I don't want to get rid of my baby my little mini me , I want to hug my beautiful baby and kiss my baby , give him of her everything in the world but my dad forbids it .
Hayden's POV : I don't want her to get rid of the baby I don't even know who owns the baby with her but her face says what she is thinking
Doctor : Annie , I know that this is a hard decision to make at such a young age ,  we can do a scan to see the baby would you like that ?
Annie's POV : I nod my head while tears roll down my cheeks
Hayden's POV :  I hold her hand while the doctor puts gel on her stomach then a picture of the baby comes up on the screen I look at Annie she's staring at the screen
Doctors pov : I don't see any movements from the baby , I think she could have possibly had a  miscarriage
Doctor : Annie the baby is not moving
Annie's POV : I miscarriaged on my first baby , I came her cause I was forced but I just miscarried
Annie : did I have a miscarriage
Doctor : I'm so sorry , I know it's hard to take in
Annie's POV : I turn to look at Hayden who is rubbing my arm and holiday my hand
Hayden : hey you did all you could , your beautiful baby is looking down on you Ann's
Annie's POV : I close my eyes and the tears roll out , Hayden kisses my forehead
Hayden's POV : I sit looking at the screen , at Annie's baby, god I fell so sorry for her
Doctor : Annie
Annie : ye
Doctor : would u like the know what gender your baby would have of been
Annie : ye 😢
Doctor : it was a baby girl
Annie's POV : I squeeze Hayden's hand and I cry

After the appointment we go back to the house , Dylan and Caden are sitting on the sofa
Annie's POV : we walk in I've got my last ever baby scan in my hand , I still can't believe I'll never get to meet my baby and Johnny never knew about the baby , but what does he deserve he got me pregnant , left and now I'm sure he's really happy with Kenzie.
Dylan : hey guys we're watching a movie , all the others are in the kitchen getting us snacks wanna join us
Hayden : Annie ?
Annie's POV : I don't mind what we do but I need to change first
Annie : I'm just gonna get something more comfy on and I'll be down ina second ok
Hayden : yeah , sure thing
Annie's POV : I want to watch the movie and I don't at the same time , I just want to cry but I've gotta be strong . I went into Lauren's room to get a change of cloths . I changed
Annie's outfit :

Annie's POV : I had to get Hayden's bottoms as Lauren's was a little small , k still have my bump , so I needed a bigger side for my hips , I was about to walk out of Lauren's room when I saw a picture of her with a boy at the side of her bed

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Annie's POV : I had to get Hayden's bottoms as Lauren's was a little small , k still have my bump , so I needed a bigger side for my hips , I was about to walk out of Lauren's room when I saw a picture of her with a boy at the side of her bed .
Picture of Carson and Lauren :

 Picture of Carson and Lauren :

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Annie's POV : that's C.a.r...s....on what the hell ks wrong with him he was dating my best friend and he never told me , he left me for these people , that means ..... he's here
I ran down the stairs everyone was sitting on the sofa .
Hayden : hey you got changed let's go the movie is about to start
Annie's POV : I walk over to Hayden I still have my scan in my hand . I sit beside Hayden and to my surprise right across the room , Carson sitting with Lauren staring at me .
Annie : Jesus this day can't get any worse can it
Hayden's POV : I know she's still sad about earlier but something else must be going on as soon as she looked across at ..... Carson that's where I know her from .
The film started ( Hayden  whispers into Annie's ear )
Hayden : I need to talk to you Ann's
Annie : not right now , I'm thinking
Hayden : yes I said right now , now got to the kitchen
Annie's POV : I was comfy we sat me on his lap , but I had to get up and go to the kitchen , Hayden followed behind me

Thanks for reading
Word count : 1150 ❤️

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