The Ultimate Battle

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Valt closed his eyes, his bey on his palm glowing in bright blue. He could feel the strong connection, the connection which nourished with the time. He loved Valtryek, it was like a part of himself. And they came a long way together and right now he really needed Valtryek. His eyelids fluttered open as he felt a horse neigh right in front of him. His hazel's orbs widen in surprise and happiness as he stared into Valtryek who was standing right in front of him wearing a full armour. "Valtryek" Valt whispered taking a step toward him. 

Valtryek knelt. "Master, I think you called me to join the fight"

Valt blinked processing the word. "Uhm...just Valt is fine hehe"

Valtryek smiled slightly as he got up. Valt looked around ans gasped slightly. Each and every beast was right there. The ones who were hidden inside those beys for years. The ones the people thought as just spinning tops. Wakiya smirked looking at his dragon Wyveron.

"Well" he said looking at the fight. "We can't fall behind"

Daigo agreed. "Yeah, let's do this". Doomcizer was standing right behind him. Valt shivered looking at the grim reaper. He indeed look creepy, no wonder Daigo was not scared of horror movies and stuff his bey itself  looked like a character from a horror movie. Longinus was the first to attack with a mighty roar as he aimed at requiem.

Requiem looked genuinely surprised as he saw the large army of various kinds of beasts. Zac's eyes sparkled as he stood behind Zeutron. "Surprise" He said with his cheerful tone. Requiem whipped his head to see Shu standing beside Spryzen. 

"You!" He roared. "You betrayed me Prince Shu, you'll pay for that with your life"

Spryzen stood in front of him protectively. "Not when I'm here, you'll have to pass me and all these other warriors to do that. If I were you I would give up brother, you have no chance against an army like this."

"I wont" He said glaring at Shu. "I'll enter his mind"

Spryzen's eyes slightly widen. "You wouldn't, you want him as a sane person. If you do that you'll kill him"

Requiem smirked at the insecurity of his brother. "Oh, I certainly will"

"No you won't" Atlantis said narrowing his eyes. "We will finish you before you do that"

They clashed again. Their weapons sent sparks with the intensity. The bladers watched the battle with awestruck eyes. It was the battle which will decide everything and all against Requiem, it did seem unfair but negativity is easy to trigger which means Requiem can gain power more easily, they can only hope that their side will win or else the whole world would be dragged down to chaos and sufferings.

Shu closed his eyes as a sudden pain erupted through his head like someone entering his mind without his permission. The pain grew worse by each second and finally like a volcano activating the pain reached it's climax, he let out a yelp falling to his knees gripping his hair as tightly as he can. 

"Shu" Adam and Valt yelled in sync as they ran toward him. Christina followed them close behind trying to figure out a way to help him. 

"Shu" Adam repeated kneeling beside his brother trying to pry of his hands gripping his hair. "Stop it! You're gonna hurt yourself"

Shu breathed heavily. "S-stop it"

Everyone looked at Christina with hopeful faces. But she shook her head. She's a healer of course but only physically. Shu had no wounds and injuries. It was a battle between his good and bad sides and Shu was the only one who could win this battle, no one else. Spryzen pressured his axe which was pressed against Requiem's. Longinus had trapped him with his ice while Fanfir drained most of the power from him. Valtryek pointed his sword on his throat. "Surrender Requiem, you have nowhere to run"

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