Brotherly bond

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"S-Sisco?" Honcho's voice sounded desperate. He didn't want to believe this. Sisco can't be the traitor. Honcho, Sisco and Wakiya became good friends after they started this journey. Out of all these days spending together and going through all these danger together seeing his friend there as the traitor was the worst thing happened in his life. 

"This can't be true" Shu said frowning as he took a step back.

Phi looked amused. He looked the side of Sisco and gestured him to come closer. "Come on and you're late. You didn't tell me that there would be an attack tonight"

Sisco leaned toward a table as he messaged his temples. "Give me a rest. They came without telling us. That boy whose called the prince is pretty intelligent than I thought"

Wakiya snapped. "Shut up. You can't be Sisco. He'll never do something like this to his friends"

"Oh shut up Blondie" He said sighing. 

Wakiya snapped his fingers. "You aren't Sisco. You never call me Blondie before. You call Honcho in that name. You always use Goldilocks to address me. You aren't him"

"Um... what?" Yugo asked as Sisco laughed. Then his appearance changed. Now he looked exactly like Cuza.

"Is this better?"

Shu's eyes widen. "Your power is...changing appearance?"

Evil Cuza smirked as he spread his arms. "Bingo"

Xander cursed. "That means the traitor can't be someone among us. He or She is being taken by this guy"

"Where is Adam and Free?" Ukyo chimed in as Phi smiled. He looked at the door looking like he's waiting for someone. When he saw none he frowned. 

"Where are they?"

Jin came into the room dusting his hands. His power was ghost allusions. He looked at Phi and gave him an innocent look. "Aww sorry, if you're looking for your soldiers. They must've accidentally seen a ghost and now is inside the cells locked up thinking the palace is haunted. Oopsi my bad"

Phi titled his head. Then he burst out laughing. "We don't need soldiers to end this fight. Claire is already here. She's our best warrior. No one can win against her besides I'm here too. If you guys are intelligent you'll never underestimate my powers. I'm called the 'Riser of the dark' for a reason you know?  "

"Besides" The person said. She now looked like a girl. Her hair was black as the midnight and her eyes were blue as the deep ocean. "I've fought with many annoying kids like you before. So Phi wanna have some fun?"

"Sure little sister." He said charging at the gang.

The fight started and they weren't overestimating their powers. Those two were indeed powerful and amazing. The girl was a real warrior. Her fighting skills were in a high level that reaching her and winning this battle looked like an impossible thing to do. Xander narrowed his eyes as he charged toward Claire but right at the moment she changed her appearance. In seconds there was Ukyo standing right in front of him. So he stopped. No matter who the person is no one liked to hurt a person they love. Even though it was fake the bonds which were made from our hearts never crumble because of this Xander stopped.


Real Ukyo turned to him and saw what was happening. "Xander it's not me. Fight her."

Xander brought his sword right at her throat but fake Ukyo smirked then made a sad face. "You're gonna kill your own friend?"

"You're not my friend" Xander yelled back. Despite his words he didn't budge. He couldn't do anything beside threatening her. Ukyo charged from behind. But Claire dodged it swiftly and turned to Ukyo. Her appearance changed. She looked exactly like Yugo.

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