A Book

64 7 6

Pages old

Flip, one after another,

Thin, yellowed,

Scents vary, not just vanilla


For this is a book

Not at all ordinary

Though if you look

But one of many


This is a story

But not just any

My story

One and only


Upon its parchment

Black ink spills

Flows across in fluid movements

In scrawling cursive


The colour changes

According to my weather

Ink hues ranges

Blazing red to gentle lavender...

Indigo.. like a bruise..

..During my blues

Deep maroon..

...Submerged in rue

Orange bright..

..Happy and bubbly

And when everything's alright

A blue light, like the sky..


All these hues brief

Never lasting

Returning to stifling grief

Flat, black; oppressing


Despite the beauty

Compressed between the pages

Crushed scents many

Preserved for the ages


The occasional wafting

Of elusive scents

Redolent of a past drifting

Out of reach, already spent...

..Roses red, black, pink..

Sweet and lovely..

..Cozy shop in Japan..

Woodsy, and lavender heady..

..Night by seas..

Winds fresh, taste salty..

..Teashop in China..

Fragrance in china fancy..

..Places faraway..cannot compete..

To home, with scents homely..

..Cakes in the oven baking..


..Hot drinks on days rainy..

The comforting aromas of tea and coffee..


Despite all these

There's something missing in my life

I had adopted a need to please

In an attempt to feel alive


Instead what I've done

Is to trap myself

I don't belong

Yet fitting in everywhere, fake a different self


I know not when exactly

The answer I've found

But I'm finally happy

Heart content and sound


I've found where I belong

With whom, to be exact

You, my love; my home

This, I know for a fact


Upon the parchment

A page new

Newfound contentment

Colours grew


Pulsing ink spills

With bright hues

Though there is black still

They only underscore a love true


The words glow with a light

Never-before seen

Dancing in delight

In scrawling cursive

Spurred on by love bright

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