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Sometimes, I feel

I would crumble and break;

If I stay still,

I'd shiver, quake.


For strength has run low

Within my soul;

Tired of rebuilding the house of cards

That falls over, soon as wind blows.


Tired of having

To mask distress;

Putting up a façade-

A chameleon dress.


Tired of having seen

Upright and strong-

Without and within;

The one they can count on.


Strong as I was;

Strong I might be.

I'm still human-

Longing to be free.


Free of the chains

That bind my heart-

Weigh down my bones,

Locked up the art.


For I, lost art-

Obscure, wary;

Hidden, seen:

Quite the contrary.


Daedalus incarnate!

The art screams to me;

Trapped in of own making-

Ever growing, roots of tree.


Breathe and heave,

As it expands.

Through the labyrinth, my Hero weaves;

I watch, and pray, he takes my hands...


Closer- frequent stumbles rile;

The complications increase;

Sadly, I smile:

Don't give up, please!


I know, you have

A maze of your own;

Do let's converge-

And never be alone!


Sometimes, I feel

I would crumble and break;

For I know not the pain

Lies in the act, or the wait...


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