There's None But Wait

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The skies grumble in disagreement

As the sun thrashed out his complaints

Anger sizzled from the simmering pavements-

Holding on to patience, practising restraint


In my room I pace back and forth

Emanating frustration like the heavens above

Thoughts like clouds heavy dragging me south

My heart in anxiety drowning, clawing its way out


My eyes see, unseeing

To where there's none but wait

Ensnared in Time's cobwebs, frantically fleeing

Yet delay is the only progress to be made


I hear nothing against the background of scrabbling thoughts

For nothing is what I hear

When I shout my questions-when's the end of my heartscape's drought?

Till when can you again be near?


Unquiet thoughts underscored bold

By my heart's anxious beating

Its shouts mercilessly swallowed

In the void of uncertainty that's Time's making


All the wordless voices, all the chaos

They form an unbearable dissonance

All these, a force, unrequited, lost

As the only answer given is a resilient silence


I, two, three steps forth

And so forth too sprung thoughts

Third, second, last step, back

Vexation swell from clarity lack

I sigh..know not if night nor day drew nigh

Resigned..allow these restless thoughts be my lullaby

In bed I lie..hoping dreams will help me fly

I all but one thought remain...I'm yours, as you're mine

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