A Star New

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A dying star,

Left a scar;

And so the moon

Drifted afar.


The dying star still

Reaches his tendrils

Of stardust, entails

A miserable fail.


Resisting the pull;

The moon's faring well

Without the star cruel;

No longer under his spell.


The star's conceitedness,

Had been his weakness;

Had been the darkness,

That consumed his brightness.


The moon drifted away-

Through sparkling nebulae;

Mysterious hues light the way,

As though conjured by mischievous fey.


And there! I saw you-

Sitting calmly, even as the world around flew;

A mesmerizing hot, bright blue;

Time passes; closer to you I grew.


The dying star reaches still,

Finding ways with his will;

But the midnight sun, blue and gentle,

Let the moon settle, no rental~ :P


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