Sightless Sight

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I leaden my limbs, and my body;

My eyes unfocused, at a focused point before me;

My mind unwinds, released from chains heavy;

The world disappears as another appears-one of thee.


Hunger of darkness; edges eaten away;

Creeping confidently, seemingly here to stay;

Flowers awakened, in graceful ballet;

Fresh and white, bloom strong without delay.


I am encompassed, by midnight robes;

Expanding globe, the black probes;

Exquisite flora, wink and glow;

Rivers of coolness, trickle then flow.


And I slip, and slide, not a place to stay;

For I've found, yet lost, my restless way;

Confusing lights had come to play;

Enveloping the world; illuminating the way.


'Tis you, my love, that is displayed;

The strips of brightness, your warmth-fingers splayed;

Heart and mind, in your grasp;

The enormity of your importance, it blinds and I gasp.


I guess my dear, what I'm trying to say;

Is that you're a star, a sun, my very own sun;

You shine so fine, you blind my mind;

My heart crystalized; can't hide, can't run.


But who on Earth would attempt such a stunt?

Surely, not I, for try as I might,

Your gravity pulls me, a mesmerizing magnet;

Even if I could; resist you, I wouldn't.


You paint the world white;

It's like I've been blind, all my life;

Then given sight, addicted to light-

Now I gain, sightless sight.


For you're all I see, all's that in sight;

I can't see; yet you're so bright!

You fill my mind with such exuberance;

I can't tell if it's a boon, or a curse.


Perhaps both. :3

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