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Katniss pov

        I wake up with a pain in my head and see Peeta still tied up on the stretcher. A tear slips down my face. I go up to the glass and place my hand on it. Peeta looks at me and yells "YOU MUT!" I cry even harder and gasp for air. My heart breaks in two as I hear those words. I look in my back pack Haymitch gave me. I get a bottle of water and gulp it down. The hovercraft lands and Haymitch wakes up and gets peeta. He and Heavensbee roll him down the ramp. I rush to him and he puts one hand  on my stomach. Peeta? Are you okay? "Shut up you stupid dirty mutt!" My eyes flood with tears and I cant contoll them. I walk down the ramp with everyone. I look around. Everything is bombed. Everything is destroyed. "Katniss, the reason we took you in that hovercraft is because we knew district 12 would be bombed and we had to make sure you'd be safe" Tear after tear rolls down my face and I  breath heavily. I look down and see a skull.  I kneel on the ground and cry. As I turn around I see Peeta running to me. He has a knife in one hand and hes aiming it at me. He runs to me and gets to me and stops. "Katniss?" Yes... P-peeta. "I am so sorry..." I run up to him and hug him tight. Haymitch is stumbling around drunk. "I love you" he says I love you so much Peeta so so much. He continues to hold me tight. I smile while crying. He holds my hand and takes me to the hovercraft. It takes off and lands in district 13. I walk around to my new house and see something I never thought I would see I thought he was dead it is....

Hold me tight (A Katniss and Peeta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now