Mrs. Mellark

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                                        Katniss pov

        Effie and the rest of her crew escort me to the church in a limo as white as the snow. Effie hands me a glass of champagne in a crystal clear glass. I slowly sip it and savor the strong taste. We are now down the street of the chapen and I can already feel a million butterflies in my stomach. I start breathing heavily and Effie puts her arm around me to comfort me. But to be honest I wont be calm until I see Peeta. We pull into the parking lot and Effie opens the door for me and the whole team helps me into the chapel. I start at the front of the red rug and I hear music start to play. I slowly walk forward. I look at Peeta. He is in a beautiful white suit with no tie. His ashy blonde hair is styles into a quiff. His beautiful brown eyes staring in mine. I feel my heart melt just looking at him.

Peeta pov

        I see Katniss walk towards me with Haymitch on her arm. I stare into her beautiful green eyes. She is wearing an elegant white bridal dress. I stare at her in awe of her beauty. I slowly hold my hand out as she comes closer to me. She takes it and smiles brightly at me. The ring bearer (finn) comes up to me and I take the custon made ring and slide it on Katniss's finger. She does the same to me. She stares at her ring and a few tears slip out of her beautiful eyes. "Peeta, the pearl.... Its beautiful" So are you I tell her. As I read my vows to Katniss she starts to tear up.

Katniss Everdeen... You are my world.. you make me want to wake up everyday with a smile on my face. Your the first thing that slips into my mind. I think of you day in day out. Your beautiful green eyes, your beautiful self. I promise never to cheat. Your always going to be my one love. Youll always be my one and only. I promise to be there to hold you when you are having nightmares and cant sleep. I will protect you no matter what pain i have to go through. Just to keep my beautiful love safe. I love you Katniss Everdeen and only you.

        By the time I finished my vows she had tears in her eyes. The minister said " I now pronounce you two husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" I held katniss close to my warm body and kissed her deeply and passionitley. Everyone cheered including friends of Katniss and friends of mine. My family didnt come they dont support us but i really dont care.

Katniss pov

        I walk over to a table with Finnick, Annie, Effie, Peeta, and mom. I sit down next to Peeta and gently kiss him. I get up to get a glass of water and look at the vase filled with orange tulips. I see one white rose and a rush of panic shivers up my spine.

Hold me tight (A Katniss and Peeta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now