Chapter Nine Missing

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Chapter Nine

            For some reason Kris opened his eyes and looked around his small room. The moonlight shone though from the windows. He closed his eyes again and tried to go back to sleep in an instant he remembered the day. Beautiful Belinda, “Wait a minute” Kris’s eyes shot open and he looked over to the left side of the bed.

Belinda was gone, where was she? Maybe she went out to the outhouse; he decided to wait for a couple more minutes, until she came back into the house. After a couple of minutes he quickly got worried. Kris got out of bed and started to look around the house for her. He even checked out the outhouse but she wasn’t there. He called her name but no sound came back to him. “Where is that crazy girl? ”  Didn’t she know that it isn’t safe for a women out there alone?

Kris walked over to his nearest neighbor.  The little cabin that wasn’t even 100 yards from his home that housed Adam “Talk-a-lot” Williams and his wife Molly. Larry was his best friend but Adam was like a brother to him. Adam’s Indian name is Talk-a-lot because that’s what he did, talk a lot. If you were arguing with him you would never win.

However, if someone was lost or missing, he was the best person to go to, he knew everything about the land. He stomped up to Adam’s door and started to knock loudly. He knew being so late at night that Adam would wake up in a hurry- knowing that there was surely some kind of emergency. Kris heard movement inside the little cabin and waiting until he heard someone walking towards the door. Adam threw the door open and had his shotgun out and ready to face down any danger that may be waiting for him. However, when his sleepy eyes met Kris’s he lowered his shotgun.

“Kris don’t you know what time--” the look on his face must have spoken volumes because it stopped Adam in mid sentence. “What’s wrong?” Adam said in a hurry.

“I need your help.” He said quickly.  “Belinda’s gone.”

Adam couldn’t help but smile. “Aw Kris, I lost the bet I was giving her a week until she ran away from you.” Kris knew it was supported to be a joke but it hurt him a little.

“Come on Adam it’s dangerous for a women out there alone.” Adam stepped out the cabin and closed the door behind him.

“Let’s go then and find your little lady.” Adam looked at the ground and Kris just followed him lost in his own thoughts. God why did she leave? Haven’t I have been good to her? I didn’t force her into anything, I haven’t hurt her. Please protect her until we find her.


Why did she have to leave the safely of the house? Now she was lost in the woods on her own. It felt like she has been walking for hours but she knew she was walking in circles. The sounds of the night wildlife was scaring the daylights out of her. She needed to sit and collect her thoughts. She was surely safe this far away, there was no way that Kris would come for her now. He must be fast asleep in the warm safe bed.

Belinda heard a crack of a branch in the dark woods. She held her breath and looked around her. It was like something was getting closer to where she was sitting. She saw the outline of a person coming towards her. Maybe it’s a wild animal or Indians shes didn’t know which one was worst. She was stuck between fear and relief knowing that maybe it could be Kris coming after her but the thing or person was bigger then Kris. A person stepped into the clearing and the light from the moon cast a light over the man. She gasped as she saw his brown skin and long raven hair.  He held a rifle in his hands and it brought to mind all the stories of all the things Indian’s would do to women. She quickly got up and started to back up. She couldn’t stop the scream that came out her mouth. The Indian looked stared. He opened his mouth to say something but she didn’t let him. “Please don’t hurt me I’m just lost please don’t hurt me.” She closed her eyes and waited for the man to capture or kill her but it never came. She opened one eye and saw the Indian still standing there with an amused look on his face.

Instead of coming at her he laughed. “You must be Belinda we been looking for you. I’m Adam I live close by Kris came to me so we can find you.”

Belinda stared at him for several seconds and relaxed just a little this man was friends with Kris. “Yes I’m Belinda thank you for finding me.” She watched as the man smiled at her and his perfect white teeth almost seemed to shine against his dark skin.

He opened his mouth to say something but before anything came out Kris came into the clearing. When his eyes landed on her a mix of emotions passed though his eyes but she could not tell if it was anger or relief. Kris stalked toward her with that unreadable expression on his face. Please don’t tell me that the good man act was only an act. Belinda turned to look for Adam but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Please, please, don’t hit me! She told herself. She readied herself for a blow, but instead he walked right up to her and pulled her into a fierce embrace. The hug lasted longer then Belinda was comfortable with but deep in her heart she didn’t want it to end. This meant trouble she knew if she wasn’t careful she could give her heart to this man.

“Belinda, why did you marry me?” He asked when he finally released her. Belinda stared at him but didn’t even know how to answer the question.

“I didn’t have any other place to go. I refused to sell my body for money and couldn’t find a job.” She answered him quickly and quietly.

Kris sighed and ran his figures though his hair. Belinda would give anything to read his mind at this second. “Thank you for being honest with me Belinda. But don’t you know that it’s not safe for a woman to be out alone at night! You could have been hurt or worse!”

Kris led her back to the log she was just sitting on. Belinda followed him and sat facing him. “Belinda I don’t know about your past and I hope one day you would trust me enough to tell me. But I would never hurt you I know God brought you into my life for a reason. I know God doesn’t make mistakes it’s in His plan for us to meet and get married. I want hope that you will give me a chance to prove to you that I will be a great husband.”

God doesn’t make mistakes. A gentle voice in her heart reminded her but it was countered by another that said:  Yes He does He made you.

She peeked a quick look back up at Kris and prayed he was being sincere. No one has ever told her that they would prove anything to her. People always told her what to do and when to do things. Here was a man trying to prove to her that he would be a great husband to her. Could he be telling the truth or was he lying to her face?

Kris must have seen uncertainty in her face because he quickly added. “I know you may not believe me right now but I know actions speak louder than words.” Kris smiled at her and Belinda felt her heart speed up. “I’ll try and trust you. I can’t promise anything but I’ll try.” 

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