13: Full House

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"Baylor!" I yelled. "BAYLOR!" When I still didn't receive an answer, I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

Keenan was on the other side, holding a duffle bag and football gear.

"Hey," He smiled, and I stepped out of the way to let him in. "Sup?"

"Not much, I replied, taking his duffle bag and leading him down to the basement. "You're the first one here, so you got the whole place to yourself."

"Woah, this place is dope." Keenan's blue eyes doubled in size as he took in his surroundings.

I laughed lightly. "Here's your bunk, and here is where you can put all your stuff."

"Thanks." He smiled.

The doorbell rang, and I excused myself, heading back upstairs.

"Hey Thomas." Evan said when I opened the door.

"Davidson." I nodded, letting him in. I led him downstairs, showing him everything as well.

"I gotta bunk with this looser?" Evan laughed smacking Keenan on the arm.

"Don't complain, you get the top bunk." He replied, as they bro hugged.

"Yo!" Someone called from the top of the stairs.

The three of us turned our heads to see a smiling Dean, weighed down by his luggage. He came down the stairs, and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Where's Baylor?" He questioned, throwing his bag up on the top bunk next to Evan's.

"Who?" Keenan furrowed his bold brows.

"My brother, Baylor. I'm not really sure, I thought he was here." I answered. "He probably left with my dad to the stadium."

"You have a brother?" Evan was still evidently confused. "How old is he?"

"Seventeen, he's only a year older than me." I replied, and as if on cue, Baylor walked down the stairs with Vylad behind him.

"Is that him?" Evan gave me a knowing look.

"Yep. Baylor I thought you went to the stadium with dad."

"No, I was napping." He stated as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

I wasn't about to argue with him about something so stupid, so I just rolled my eyes. Sometimes he just makes me wonder if he's all there.

Now that I knew Baylor could answer the door, I grabbed Dean's hand and took him upstairs. We hadn't been able to hang out as much lately, so I was excited that I'd get an entire week with him.

Dean flopped down on my bed, burying his face in my pile of pillows and spreading his arms and legs out like a starfish. He let out a muffled groan as I sat down next to him.

"I'm so sore." He grumbled, turning over.

Before I could say anything though, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rolled me over on top of him. The his started tickling my sides.

"Dean,"I cried, gasping for air. "Stop."

But he just ignored my pleas and kept tickling me.

"Dean!" I laughed, trying to escape his grip.

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