20: Do It Again

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I crashed down on to the floor, smashing my face against the hard tile.

"Fuck." I grumbled, feeling a throbbing in my nose and on my forehead.

The guy got off of me, lifting me up and turning me around.

"Are you alright?" He asked, frantic and concerned.

"Not really." I grumbled, rubbing my forehead.

"I'm sorry." He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Jesus Christ Bails." Baylor cried, rushing to my side and holding me.

"Bailey?" Ethan stated, obviously confused.

"No, it's Tom Brady." I joked, leaning on my brother for support.

Blood dripped from my nose and down my chin. I used the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe it away, but it continued to pour down.

"What the hell is going on here?" My dad's concerned voice boomed over the quiet chatter of the guys around me.

"Apparently Bailey's the Jersey Girl." Baylor explained to dad, as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

Dad didn't seem concerned with Baylor's statement, but more concerned with my bloody nose and forehead that was beginning to bruise.

Dean also pushed his way up to me, and I wrapped my arm around his waist for support.

"Are you okay sweetie?" My dad asked, crouching down to me and wiping away some of the blood.

I nodded. "My face just hurts." I laughed.

No one else laughed, but that didn't really bother me. They thought it hurt more than it actually did.

"Okay!" My dad said in a booming voice. "Can everyone go wait in the stands while we make sure that nobody if seriously injured!"

Everyone began to file out of the hallway, the guy I landed on being the only one that stayed with us. He looked exactly like Owen, and I remembered him as Owen's twin brother. 

What was his name again?








That's it. Emmett.

Dad, Dean, Baylor, Emmett and I all headed to one of the change rooms so we could clean up the blood and get away from all the noise. 

"Sorry for falling on you." I apologized to Emmett.

"It's fine." He laughed. "I don't think you hurt me. I think it just knocked the wind out of me. Besides it's kinda funny in retrospect."

His upbeat attitude helped put a smile on my face. I wish I was as cheerful as him.

"So tell me what exactly happened." My dad said as he wetted a paper towel and dabbed the blood from my face.

I sigh. "So I'm the Jersey Girl. And the guys have been making it almost impossible to return the jerseys, so I was climbing through the ceilings to be able to drop the jerseys and not get caught. But Emmett spotted me and that made me panic and I accidentally fell through the ceiling and landed on him. Then I got up and ran away, and some other dude tackled me. That's when I hit my face off the floor and gave me a nose bleed."

"You were climbing through the god damned ceiling Bailey?" My dad asked, astonished.

"Yep." I replied sheepishly.

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