4: The Pinecrest High Pirates

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Another day, another chapter. Well that might be a lie. It's Sunday and I came up with the idea for this book Friday. I'm pretty proud of how much I've written this weekend.


"Shit." I mumbled, as I stared at my leggings, tank top and hoodie in a pile on the floor.

One small thing I forgot about? I didn't have a change of clothes. I wasn't prepared for this sudden overnight stay.

I searched my duffle bag and found deodorant, a sports bra, and an almost empty bottle of cotton candy perfume.

It was my gym bag after all. But I never really went to the gym, so it was rarely used.

I put the Nike bra on and my leggings, then tied my untameable caramel hair in a bun. Then I put deodorant on, and sprayed the rest of the perfume.

I haven't worn this bra since freshman year, and it didn't really fit that well, but it was all I had.

By the way the sun poured through my window I could tell it was going to be a hot day. This kind of weather was odd for this time of year.

I tidied up the room, by hanging up the bath towels I just took of and threw out the small soap bottles. It took an entire mini bottle of shampoo to wash my hair. I had a lot of it.

This hotel was nice enough to provide me with a toothbrush and toothpaste upon my request.

I shoved the rest of my belongings into my bag and left the room.

Checking out quickly I got in my jeep and opened the texts from Baylor.

Baylor: Smith Montgomery, Pinecrest Secondary School, Pinecrest Virginia. Practice from 11:30 to 2:30.

Ethan King, A.H. High, Raleigh North Carolina. Practice from 3:00 to 6:00.

He also included photos of the guys.

Smith had shaggy, dirty blonde hair that reached his ears, and a goatee. His smile revealed a slight tooth gap, and his grey eyes looked friendly.

Ethan seemed to be almost the exact opposite of Smith. His yellow-blonde hair was freshly cut, his bright blue eyes held attitude, light freckles dusted his tan skin and perfect nose. The smug smile on his face made me want to slap him, and I've never even met him before.

I justified this conclusion by reasoning that he had in fact cheated on my cousin. Although my family didn't like him, he was the best quarterback in North Carolina, and therefore earned his entrance to the Junior Bowl.

I shot a text back to Baylor, and was surprised when he answered right away.

Me: What numbers are they?

Baylor: Smith is 13. Ethan is 11.

Me: Thanks. See ya tonight.

Baylor: Drive safe <3.

If I wanna get home before midnight I better get going now.


Virginia was an absolutely beautiful state. The late morning sun beamed down over the huge mountains.

I rolled down my window, and hung one arm out the side. The wind cooled me off and subsided my sweating.

Salt Pond Mountain loomed in the distance as I neared Pinecrest.

"Almost heaven, West Virginia. Blue Ridge Mountain, Shenandoah river. Life is older there, older than the trees. Younger than the mountains blowing like a breeze."

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