11: The Riverside High Rebels

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My mom just made pancakes, and holy shit, they were fucking delicious. And that's all have to say.


The crowd roared with excited yells and cheers. I too, stood and yelled.

"Whooo! Let's go!" I cried.

"Jefferson is taking Northside down!" Dean added, laughing.

He wasn't lying. We were winning by a landslide. Sixty-two to twelve. There was absolutely no way they could make a comeback, considering there was only three minutes left in the fourth quarter.

I squeezed Dean's hand as we watched the time tick down on the scoreboard. The quarterback threw the ball to Baylor, who ran it to the end zone, just as the timer buzzed.

We stood up cheering and yelling, as everyone flooded the field. Dean helped me jump the rails and we ran up to Baylor. Letting go of Dean's hand I wrapped my arms around My brother.

"You did great." I said, releasing the hug.

"Great game bro." Dean, smacked his arm.

Great game indeed.


"Bailey, you're gonna label bunks, clean them, and make beds, Baylor you're gonna vacuum, dust and clean windows, Brad you're gonna clean the bathrooms, and I'm going grocery shopping. Any questions?" My mom instructed.

It was early on a Saturday and the quarterbacks would be moving in on Monday. We had a weekend full of work ahead of us to say the least.

"Okay, no questions, so let's get to work." She clapped her hands together before kissing my dad goodbye and going upstairs.

I dipped a rag in to a bucked of hot, soapy water, and began wiping down the bunkbeds, and dressers. I also went in to the laundry room, where all the cubbies were. All the quarterbacks had their own cubby to put their football gear.

When I exited the room Baylor was organizing all the video games, testing the X-Box and all the controllers. My father always tried his best to make all the players feel like they were at home. There was a pool table, foosball table, pingpong table, a massive sixty inch flatscreen, an X-Box and tons of games. A fridge full of drinks and snacks stayed stocked throughout the week, thanks to my mother. And any of the football players were allowed to come and go when they pleased, no matter if they had already lost The Junior Bowl.

"Hey, we're supposed to be working, not playing video games." I teased, nudging him with my foot.

"I am working, but you aren't. You're trying to tell me what to do." He retorted, as I walked away.

Ignoring him, I put strips of masking tape on the side of the bunk beds and on each of the dresser drawers. I wrote out the names of all the quarterbacks on each of the pieces of tape, trying my best to pair them with people they would get along with well.

Keenan Ward and Evan Davidson, Dean McKinnley and Smith Montgomery, Zach Collins and Dylan Boyer, Wyatt Jacobs and Ryan Banks, Ethan King and Owen Meyers, Jaiden Winchester and Vylad Cardel.

I also labeled the cubbies and dressers.

Opening the linen closet, I took my time making each bed as perfectly as I could. Propping up the pillows, and flattening the comforters.

"Guys?" My mother's voice yelled from upstairs.

"Yeah?" The three of us replied in unison.

"Can you come help me with the groceries?"

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