10: The Nor'Wester Heights Knights

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I really love this picture. The jerseys are the perfect colour and almost exactly what I imagined Nor'Wester's jerseys to look like. (This image is an example of what Nor'Wester's jerseys look like, not Westmount's.)


The gravel crunch beneath my shoes as the adrenaline pumped viscously through my veins. Inhaling a deep breath, I attempted to calm my nerves.

For God's sake. Why was I so nervous?

I've known Dean for years, and we've hung out more times than I can count. But this was different. Way different.

Knocking on the door, could hear his dog Bagels barking at me.

Dean opened the door, but the beagle greeted me first. His little tail wagging as he jumped and yipped. I bent down and pet him, while smiling at Dean.

He closed the door behind me and I gave him a tight hug.

"Hey. Sorry I'm a little late, traffic wasn't that great." I spoke, taking off my shoes.

"It's fine, you got here before I thought you would." He replied, leading me down to his basement.

The lights were off all except for the ones in the staircase. On the floor in front of the tv was a pile of blankets and pillows.

"I figured we could watch a movie." Dean spoke from behind me.

I turned around and looked up at him.

"You did all this?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm.

He nodded, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. His pale lips forming a heartwarming smile. We stood still for a moment, just staring at each other, and I never wanted it to end.

I bit down on my lip and wrapped my hands around his neck. I pulled him close to me, and he rested his hands on my waist as I hugged him tightly. The smell of axe and laundry detergent flooded over me.

"Thank you. It's amazing. You're amazing." I mumbled in to his chest.

"No you're amazing. I'd do anything for you Bailey." He replied, squeezing my waist a little.

He pulled away from me and we sat down on the ground, Dean's arm draped around my shoulder.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked, picking up the remote.

"Do you even need to ask?" I laughed as he shook his head.

"Apparently not." He selected Cruise and tossed the remote off to the side.

This movie had been my favorite since I first watched it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Spencer Boldman was in one of my favorite Disney shows when I was younger. Or maybe it was the 'Rebel Without a Cause' vibe that it gave off.

But either way I loved this movie almost more that life itself.

Throughout the movie, Dean and I sunk further in to the mountains of blankets, and he pulled me closer to him, my hand on his chest, and my head in the crook of his neck. My other hand fiddled with his fingers.

The credits lit up the screen, and I looked at him.

"Every time I watch this movie it gets better." I smiled.

"Explains why you always choose it." He said, propping himself up on one of his elbows.

"What, you don't like it?" I teased.

"Not really, but if you like it I'll watch it with you." He smiled, his hand traveling to my hip.

"You're too sweet."

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