12: The Hillside High Huskies

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Online school is stressing me out so hardcore. I'm supposed to be doing Science and Careers work right now, but instead I'm writing, and watching Tik Toks.


"Come on, please just tell us." Keenan begged.

"Are you ever gonna give up?" I laughed, shaking my head.

"Oh, come on. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?" He whined, sticking out his bottom lip like a small child.

"Would you just accept that you're never gonna crack her." Dean sigh.

"Aww come on Bailey. Just tell us already." Evan pipped up.

I was currently FaceTiming Keenan, Dean, Evan and Smith, and they wouldn't stop bugging me to tell them what school I was going to today.

"Why do you wanna know so badly?" I asked.

"Because you won't tell us." Smith explained.

"That doesn't even make sense." I furrowed my brows.

"Yes it does." Dean countered.

"Are you questioning his perfectly logical explanation?" Keenan voice was coated in fake shock.

"Wow. That's kinda rude Bailey." Evan snorted.

Jeez. These guys, I swear.

"I'll tell you what state I'm going to." I said.

"There's only one state left, we know you're going to Ohio."

"Just tell me why you really want to know, then I'll tell you." I bargained, flopping down on my bed.

"We want to try and catch The Jersey Girl" Keenan stated.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Why?" Was all that I could say.

"Cause this is our last chance to catch her and get all our jerseys back." Evan elaborated.

"Now tell us what school it is." Smith instructed.

"Hillside High." I replied, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"So, when's practice?" Dean asked, but I pretended not to hear.

"Bailey!" My dad's voice called out for me.

"My dad's yelling at me. I gotta go." I told them, hanging up our call.

I got up off my bed and headed down to the basement where my father was.

"Yes?" I poked my head around the corner of the stairway.

"Practice time was changed, I need you to head to Hillside now." He explained.

"Okay." I nodded, hugging him goodbye and going upstairs.

I said bye to my mother and brother as well, before grabbing my bag and hoodie and getting in my Jeep.

An 8 hour car ride. I'm so excited.

Throughout the ride I tried desperately to come up with a way to not get caught. I'd had too many close calls before. And now all the quarterbacks knew where I was going.

But that's when the idea hit me. Like a ton of bricks. I kept my eyes open, searching for the nearest Party City.

Eventually I saw one, nestled in a shopping strip. Stuck in between a Children's Place and an empty store.

Pulling in to the parking lot I quickly entered the store and headed straight for the mask isle. I yanked a white mask off the rack and set it down on the checkout counter. The male cashier gave me and odd look, but still scanned the item. I payed and left, continuing on my way to my unknown future.

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