9: The Westmount High Warriors

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Heyo. Just another update. Heads up, there will be a cute Dean and Bailey scene in this chapter. Also this picture is an example of what Westmount's jerseys look like, not Nor'Wester's. (If this sounds confusing, it will make sense later in the chapter.)


My alarm clock flashed 2:17 am. It was the only light in my room, besides my phone screen that I had been staring at for more than four hours.

I wanted to go to sleep, but I wanted to keep talking to the guys more.

Me: Shouldn't you guys go to sleep soon? So you're not tired for practice tomorrow?

Evan: I don't need sleep to be amazing at football.

Ethan: Since when are you amazing at football?

Keenan: ^^^

Smith: I haven't seen proof of your supposed talent.

Evan: Look who's talking. Sir Scoliosis.

Smith: I might have scoliosis but I'm still way better than you are.

Vylad: Oof. That's gotta hurt, eh Davidson?

Evan: Shut up.

Ryan: I know how we can settle this.

Keenan: Just wait and see who wins the Junior Bowl?

Ryan: No. 🙄

Dean: Please, enlighten us with your genius plan then.

Ryan: How about we just ask Bailey who she thinks the best quarterback is.

Jaiden: Can you guys please shut up? I'm trying to sleep.

Ethan: We're in the middle of something. Just turn your phone off.

Jaiden: Whatever.

Me: Why do you want me to pick?

Ryan: Cause your the only unbiased person in this chat.

Evan: Unbiased? Where did you learn that word? Your word of the day calendar?

Dean: lmao

Ethan: Pretty sure Bailey is biased. She hates me. And everyone knows she just gonna pick her boyfriend.

Me: Dean isn't my boyfriend. And I'm not biased.

Ethan: But you don't like me.

Me: No. I don't not like you.

Keenan: Why Don't you like him?

Me: I never said I don't like Ethan.

Evan: Then why does he think you don't like him?

Me: I don't know.

Ryan: Can you just pick already?

Me: I'm not going to pick. We'll just have to see who wins the Junior Bowl.

Evan: Don't worry. I got this in the bag babe 😉.

Dean: Watch it Davidson.

Evan: Why? She said you weren't her boyfriend.

Dean: Not yet. But you better back off.

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