Peace Once Again

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"y/n?... y/n?" Your eyes gently opened as you heard the sound of your name. They were instantly meet with the deep brown eyes you knew and loved... Edmunds.

"Edmund... your alive...but i saw the white witch..."

"It's ok y/n, it was the mist messing with you, trying to stop you before, you stopped it. But you did it, you killed it." Edmund wrapped his arms around you, hugging you as tight as he could. You could see now just how afraid he was of losing you as you was of losing him. 

"Wait but there was no way I could have survived from the height of that fall."

"You have Lucy to thank for that." You turned to Lucy seeing her holding her bottle of cordial. 

"Thank you" You smiled.

"I'm just glad your ok" Lucy smiled bringing you into a hug. 

You looked up as cheers erupted from the crew members. Edmund helped you up as you stood to get a better view. There were the island had stood was now clear ocean filled with all the boats of Narnian's that had been lost. You stood leaning your head onto Edmunds shoulder as he held you close, watching Gail and her father being reunited with her mother once more as they jumped into the water to meet her.

"Lets have them on board" Caspain ordered.

"We did it." Lucy commented as she came to stand next to you.

"It wasn't just use tho. The only way to truly defect the darkness was with the swords at Aslan's table."

"You mean..." Edmund was cut short as shouts were heard from the other side of the ship.

"Hey... Hey... Lucy...Y/N... Over here."You moved over to the other side of the ship to see Eustace in the water, making his way towards the ship.

"Eustane" Lucy spoke shocked.

"I'm a boy again... i'm a boy." He smiled happily.

"Eustace I see your wings have been clipped." Reep laughed before jumping into the water to be reunited with his friend. "Where the sky and water meet were the waves grow ever sweet." He began to sing before tasting the water. "It is sweet." He shouted excitedly. Eustace nodding in agreement as he took a slip of the water too." Look... Look" Reep spoke, looking out in front of him to the ocean fall of white flowers.

"Aslan's country!" Caspian stated.

"Well we've come this far. Captain you think you can look after everyone while we go on last trip on the long boat." You spoke turning to the man.

"Of course your majesty." He bowed

"Come on then." You said excitedly dragging Edmund down to the long boat. 

The row was peaceful, no one saying a word as you grew near to Aslan's country, your fingers gently brushing the water as your hand glided over the flowers. 

"So what was it like changing back?" You asked breaking the silence.

"As much as I tried to change myself I couldn't but then he came towards me. It kind of hurt but it was a good pain, like pulling a thorn from your foot.You know I think i made a better dragon then I did a boy...I'm sorry for being such a sop." He turned now speaking to Lucy and Edmund.

"Its ok Eustace, you are a pretty good dragon." Edmund smiled causing a small laugh to escape everyone's lips. 

"My friends I think we have arrived." Reep spoke from the front of the boat.

You followed Lucy onto the beach as the boat was pulled shore. There in front of you stood a wall of water, a wave that almost didn't seem to move at all. As you reached your hand into it, it seemed to ripple as if you were actually in the sea. 

"Aslan" Lucy spoke drawing your attention away from the water and to the lion that now stood in front of you.

"Well done children, you have done good, good in deed. You have come far but now your journey is at its end."

"Is this your country?" Lucy asked.

"No my country lies beyond." Aslan spoke gesturing to the wall of water.

"Is my father in your country?" Caspian asked.

"You can only find that out for yourself my son. But you should know that if you continue there is no return." You watched as Caspian walked up to the wall, placing a hand in it just as you had. 

"Your not going?" Edmund asked.

"Can't imagine my father would be very proud if I gave up what he died for." Caspian replied. "Spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom, people... I promise to be a better king."

"You already are." Aslan stated. "Children."

"I think its about time we when home actually Lu." Edmund commented you could here his tone of voice change.

"But I thought you loved it here?" Lucy asked.

"I do but I love home and our family as well." You could feel the tears start to fall. This was it, this would be your final good bye. Would it be easier if you just turned around now... if you didn't say your goodbyes, or would you regret it if you did.

You turned as you heard Reep clear his throat." your majesty as long as i can remember I have dreamt about seeing your country. I have had many great adventures in this world but nothing as damp and yearning. I know I am hardly worthy but with your permission, I would lay down my sword with the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."

"My country was made for mighty hearts like your no matter how small their bares may be."

"No one can be more deserving Reep." You smiled. You watched as Lucy and Eustace said their good byes to Reep. Before he dug his sword in the sand and climbed into a small leafed boat. Watching pass through to Aslan's country. 

"This is our last time here isn't it?" Lucy asked

"Yes you have grown up dear one. Just like Peter and Susan." 

"Will you visit us in our world?"

"I will be watching you always."


"In your world I have another name, you must learn to know me by it. That is the reason for it bring you here to Narnia that by knowing me here for a little, you will know me there better." You watched as Aslan turned letting out a roar creating tunnel in the still wave wall.

"Guess this is good by then." You spoke with sadness in your voice, turning to Edmund tears streaming down your eyes. You ran into his arms not ever wanting to let go, not ever wanting this moment to end. "I'm going to miss you."

"I going to miss you too. " You could tell by his tone he was trying to be strong he was trying to hold back the tears as he buried his head into your shoulder savouring your last moments together. Looking up at his beautiful brown eyes, you shared one more kiss the most passionate kiss of all, one that would leave his sweet taste tingling on your lips forever. 

Your tears ran from your eyes faster as you parted watching Edmund walk away.

"I LOVE YOU EDMUND." You shouted

"I love you too." And with that they were gone.

The Obstacles We Face (Edmund x Reader Squeal)Where stories live. Discover now