Fearsome Monsters

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  Tingling warmth spread throughout your body, as you awake to the golden rays of light piercing the horizon; vibrant orange and yellow spread across the sky. You soaked in every moment of the sunrise, trailing every line of colour with your eyes, as the sound of rippling waves made there way to your ears. The world was almost still, the only signs of life that could be heard was the odd chirp from a bird far of in the distance and the faint sound of sailors snores. Rolling over onto your side, you could feel the heat radiating off the sand, who had seemed to be taking in the sunrise as much as you had. It many have only been early but you could tell already that it was going to be a beautiful day; the perfect day to go exploring.

 Moving your eyes from the world around you, they came to rest on a certain, dark haired boy. Although his hair was slightly his clothes were crinkled from sleeping on the sand; the morning light outlining his sleeping figure almost made him look angel like. Every now and then his eyes would twitch, from the sweet dream he was having; how you wished his thoughts would flood your brain, to know what was going on in that head of his. A slight giggle left your lips as you watched him roll over and hug the rock beside him. How you wished you was that rock, to wake up in Edmunds arms, with the sun gazing down on you, would be perfect.

Placing your hand on the ground to push yourself up, you could feel the grains of sand slip from your hands almost like they were falling. Looking down you could see that the weight of your hand had pushed the grains down into some kind of dip on the beach. Tracing the lines of the odd shape with your eyes you could finally see that it wasn't just a dip in the sand but a footprint. A giant footprint to be pacific. It had to have been at least twice the size of a normal humans foot, if not bigger. Looking around you the footprints weaved in between the sailors, now you knew for sure that you weren't alone on the island. But what could have made footprints this big? That's when you saw it, a cluster of footprints surrounding Lucy's bed and no Lucy.

"Ed... Ed wake up." You spoke nudging the sleeping boy, as you pushed your self up. Edmund only replying with a groan. " Come on Ed get up, its Lucy she's gone." This time you pushed him even harder.

"Cas get up" You turned to Caspian gently kicking his foot. Caspian quickly got to his feet as he saw the worry on your face, closely followed by Edmund.

"I think somethings took her." You point to the foot steps surrounding Lucy's bed as your eye trail the prints trying to figure out which way they left. 

"LUCY... LUCY" Edmund shouts, his peaceful sleeping face now also replaced with worry for his sister.

"Quickly everyone up" Caspian spoke as he walked around the campsite shaking all the sleeping crew members from the slumber.

Your eyes still trailed the sand as crew members began to rise from their beds. That's when you spotted it not to far away from the tree a footprint leading deeper into the island. 

"This way... quickly." You spoke grabbing your sword,as you ran into the island, not even stopping to attach it to your belt. 

The deeper into the strange island you got the less it began to look like an island and the more it started to look like... a garden. Rich freshly cut grass spread over the ground and bushes trimmed into all different shaped covered the nearby areas. With every step you took the more tidier the garden seemed to be come. The sun still hadn't completely rose yet and only seem to graze the beauty of the place. As much as you wanted to stop and admire the bizarre place, you knew you had to continue looking for Lucy.

"Lucy's dagger!" Edmund spoke picking Lucy's dagger up from the edge of a bush nearby.

As you looked up thats when you saw it spear's gliding silently throw the air heading straight in your direction.

The Obstacles We Face (Edmund x Reader Squeal)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora