Death-Water Island

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You awake the next morning to the warmth of the sun on your face, the storm had seemed to pass over night and was now inviting you to a new day. Rolling over you felt a cold spot where Edmund had been just last night. It was clear that he had been gone awhile as his scent had seemed to fade. Pushing yourself from the bed and grabbing your boots, you made your way up to the deck. The wet, miserable, exhausted sailors that you had seen last night where now replaced with smiling, energetic crew members that looked full of life.

"Whys everyone so happy this morning?" You smiled as you approached the two kings who stood looking out at the sea.

"That will be why" Edmund spoke placing a arm around your waist as you came to stand at his side. 

There in front of you, was the rippling of waves on a sandy beach. "An island." You spoke excitedly. However this wasn't like all the other islands you had seen there was no houses, no signs of any life, not even a single plant seemed to grow on the island; all that is consisted of was rocks and sand.

"Do you think the lords would have stopped here?" Caspain asked questioning why on earth the lords would have stopped at such a place.

"Well I guess there is only one way to find out." You smiled

"READY THE LONG BOATS" Edmund shouted.  

Crew member were quick to lower the long boats and help the few crew members that had been chosen to help explore the island onto the boats. As Edmund and Caspian rowed the boat you could see the island grew as you drew nearer. 

"I doubt that the lords stopped here, theirs no sign of anything living." Reepicheif spoke.

"Right well once we reach the shore, take your men and search of food and water. The four of us will look for clues." Caspian shouted over to Reeps boats.

"Hang on you mean the five of us!" Estuance spoke. Immediately everyone turned to look at the boy, surely he didn't think he was cut out to explore the island, not after what happened the last time. "Come on please don't send me back to the rat." 

"I heard that." Reep spoke

"Big ears" Estuance spoke under his breath.

"I heard that too." Reep spoke once again, causing both you and the crew to let out a small laugh.

It didn't take long for you to reach the shore and soon you, Lucy, Edmund and Caspian had set of to explore the island while you left Reep in charge of the crew and Estuance. From what you could see no one had set foot on the island, there wasn't a single sign that someone had been here. It was then that you spotted it a thick brown rope tide around a rock hidden behind to large boulders. Walking over to it, you could tell that the rope wasn't every old as it hadn't been worn down like most used ropes would have been and the weather hadn't done much to wear the material either. Following the rope with your hand you stopped as you neared a crack in the ground looking down, it seemed to just drop down into darkness.

"Looks like someone was here." You spoke looking down into the ground as the kings and Lucy neared you.

You watched as Caspian throw a rock down waiting to hear where it would land. The sound of the rock bouncing of the walls seemed to last a few seconds before all there was, was silence. It hadn't even made any sound when it had hit the floor, maybe the floor was soft at the bottom, or maybe it was still falling. "What do you thinks down there?" Caspian asked.

"Only one way to find out." Edmund replied. Taking the rope from your hands and pushing himself over the edge before making his way down into the darkness. You quickly followed him, laying your self on the ground and wiggling your self to the edge until all that lay on the ground was your torso. Making sure you had a firm grip on the rope, you pushed you feet against the rocks and lend back, making your way down the rope into the darkness. As you climbed down the rope the light only seemed to slightly fade for a short moment before the light shone through from somewhere else in the ground. Now allowing you to see what was below you. Only a short drop below you sat a small sandy cave with what looked to be some kind of pool reflecting the sun's light and in the middle of it all stood Edmund. As you neared the end of the rope, Edmund reached out both his arms to catch you, before moving out the way for Lucy and Caspian. 

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